You'll find that a lot of Skoda owners (on this forum anyway, from what I've read) are fairly conservative on the wheel and stance front, looks like you're leading the way mate
To answer your question about scrubbing, the octavia is based on the mkv/mkvi golf so you may find better answers from people who are in the stance scene who are running big wheels on their golfs. Try make a visit to
Zen Garage in Leichhardt, I understand there maybe people in the know there. My brother is into modifying his golf gti and he's trying to get himself better acquainted with some of the others in the local scene - zen sounds like the 'spot' to be.
Can't wait to see your photos. If your car is the one I saw on facebook last night... not my style either (im more after an oem look) but AWESOME nonetheless because of the work you're putting in to make it YOURS. I'm from North-west-ish sydney, but drive around the Blacktown area a lot, so hope to see your car around. You gotta bring the car to the next Allstars Eurofest or something to rep the sydney skoda mob.