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Thread: 16 Builds - How long?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Well my car was unloaded a week back but sat in customs all week going nowhere, the dealer hadn't chased it up even though I poked them on Tuesday. So it hasn't even got to Patrick's to procrastinate with yet. Think that's just added another week.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2012
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    Not sure why people get wrapped up on build date. You should by more worried about the "MY" year i.e MY16. Mine was built 12/15 but it's a MY16 so is no different then the same spec car built in Jan-Mar this year and I saved $2500 for that reason alone.
    MY16 Candy white Octavia VRS Wagon, sunroof, 19" black pack, tech pack, comfort pack, auto tail gate
    MY12.5 Polo 6R GTI

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I didn't until I found out over a series of cars that for one, it's worth less on resale, even 7 yrs later. People care about build year as dealers can sit on stock and deliberately not comply them for ages. Secondly insurers also care, my current car was worth less to them and more to insure as it was a MY11 but built mid the prior year. After that I vowed never to get a car in Nov again, but in this time around, if I had a crystal ball and got them to build in Dec, I would have been able to take up a 1% finance offer and save about $1200/yr over 4 yrs of interest, that is a hell of an offering and much more lost than just the hit having the 2015 built car. I had no way of knowing that they would offer that though as each month they change. If they had stock there it makes a big difference as you can likely get what you want and know the entire deal. I had to factor in paying for a care pack as there was also no way of knowing if it would exist in the 8mths the car took to come. Or whether it would be included if I took up their finance which I did in the end. Just have to sort out whats best with the available info at the time.

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Perth, WA
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    Ordered my rs sedan/hatch two weeks ago, with the options i was after (race blue with 19"black, comfort and tech packs,) none were available in oz. But, one is currently on the boat with these options plus a sunroof, so i took it. Not long now ........
    Last edited by shero6; 12-07-2016 at 02:39 AM. Reason: spelling

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    If they can give you a VIN you can see exactly where it is. Perth is the first stop in Oz, the longest time is around the coast of Africa, heaps of shipping boats there. Then it goes dark after the tip of Africa and appears in Perth.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Brisbane, QLD
    When do you get given a VIN number?
    Once it's built and on the boat, or pre built from the Order?

    Skoda RS 230
    "The Grey Ghost"
    SG-TP-AB RS230 - Timeline

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
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    Usually when its on the boat.. WhenI asked for the VIN, I Tracked mine from the Panama Canal, Aukland, Port Kembla ..Dealer.
    The Dealer was surprised I could do that ????
    A Scotts Man once told me, "The Best Glass to drink Scotch from,....... is one that doesn't Leak "

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    The VIN they know when it's about to get built. I had mine before it physically existed then it sat at the docks for a while. Depends on whether the dealer has more than a few brain cells or not really to know how to find out.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Brisbane, QLD
    So... I have:
    Vehicle ID
    Chassis Number
    Engine Number
    and a few other bits, but not VIN, Can I use any of the above for tracking?
    Also, what the website you guys use to the track cars?
    Checkpoint Date was 14/09/16
    Entry NADIN & Entry FAVAS (order dates?) was 15/08/16

    Was told the status is "Import Transport" so I guess its on a boat

    Skoda RS 230
    "The Grey Ghost"
    SG-TP-AB RS230 - Timeline

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Isn't the vehicle ID the VIN? If you have that you can go to the ship site and enter it, it will give the itineraray. I saw the boat that dropped mine off in April there at the docks in Melbourne on Saturday with all the cars unloaded on the docks there.

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