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When I was 13 my parents got divorced, after about 3 weeks of my mother being the primary career of 4 boys aged 9 through 13 it was clear to all concerned she was not the person for the job. She moved out and my father moved in and took control and shaped our lives for the better everyday. Around this time he was made redundant from his job at the advertiser news paper in Adelaide, it was fair to say times were tough, this was the early to mid nineties pre the Howard era boom time. It was around this time a family friend gifted what I believe was a B1 Passat wagon. It was as my father described “baby**** yellow” ( mustard ) and the drivers door was a dull red colour. As you may imagine 13 year old me wouldn’t be seen dead in that thing ... the comments and insults from friends and strangers alike were merciless to the point I would beg for my dad to get rid of it. Time soon passed and my father moved onto another more normal vehicle, the Passat however remained in the driveway with the promise that if I wanted it when I got my license I could have it. I must say it looked a lot more attractive when it was mine, as a broke 16 year old learner with 6 months until he got his p plates it was my best and only option.
The interior of this Passat was destroyed, it was extremely sun damaged rusted and whenever you put it into first gear there was a 50/50 chance you were in reverse.
Now I know nothing about cars or engines but I know when the oil is put into the engine it should cycle through until depleted or changed over. Well this Passat has on old Jerry can under the bonnet that the oil would finish up in, so every couple of days you would have to empty the contents of the Jerry can back to the start of the oil cycle.
As a result the oil cap was frequently left off. I also treated the car with no respect and after about 18 months it was mechanically shot and eventually the engine seized and it would run no more.
The look of disappointment in my fathers eyes as the tow truck took this car that had been with him through his lowest point in life is a look that has haunted me ever since.
So I am here for a chance at redemption and for a sense of nostalgia , this year marks 20 Year’s since I got my license and I am currently trying to purchase B1 Passat or similar Passat , I have had a look but there doesn’t appear to be much in OZ and am currently considering importing one from the UK .... not cheap and not my first preference so if anyone in Australia can help please please let me know.
Thanks for reading I tend to ramble on
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