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Thread: Back! In a Passat!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Orange, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Back! In a Passat!

    In 2014 I joined up to learn more about the diesel MK1 Golf my old man and I bought to do the $hitbox Rally

    Learned a heap and had a bunch of great VWW guys help me out, and we made it to the end - Canberra to Townsville via the Birdsville track - 4000km, we personally raised $5900 for Cancer Council that year, collectively raising over $1.5 Million.

    This year, the Mrs & I did it, in a '88 Subaru Leone 2wd - Adelaide to Cairns via Oodnadatta and Plenty Highway, we did out bit, raising $8,700 and helping break the rally record getting to $1.67 Million.

    We kinda jumped the gun on next year - I threw down a bid on a car that I honestly thought I would get out done on, one of those 'had to try, not sad if I didn't win' kind of moments... well I had to go pick it up this weekend.

    The first round of applications and announcements for the 2018 rally are not for at least another month... if we don't get back in then at least I have an extra year or so to do her up or move it on.

    It runs, won't idle currently, fuel smells about 10years old, it has some wacky old man mods to id, (note the catch can and coolant overflow), plus random wiring that does not make any sense....

    The clutch was stuck, and the rear brake cylinders too.

    Lights don't work, but high beam flash does.

    After I ran it for a few minutes and got the clutch unstuck I had a little dribble of water from the manifold and poked where it was coming from:

    So I have a bit of work cut out for me, but it's a damn nice base with a little bit of rust (considering it spent it's life on the south coast, it's pretty good!) - it has great character and will be a lot of fun to work on.

    I look forward to learning more and getting it on the road (hopefully on club rego) & I'll keep you all posted along the way!
    Last edited by Jack_It; 03-07-2017 at 05:20 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Orange, NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Well! that ended differently to what I expected!

    The car is now in the hands of unyoun, a newbie here, hopefully you guys will help him out.

    It will get a gradual resto, and hopefully will be a tidy little low n slow daily for him to enjoy around Adelaide.

    Good luck to the little Passat and unyoun!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Cheers Jack_it , I can’t thank you enough , you have really provided a kickstart to my midlife crisis .... all the best with the rally and the fundraising and I will definitely give you a call if I am in or around your neck of the woods.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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