Well we fitted the replacement engine, tidied up all wiring. Big moment for starting it and .......yes it is running.....oh no....oil running everywhere! The replacement motor was from one of my donor cars, it was tested and running fine. Now it is fitted to the estate, it is blowing the o-ring out of the oil filter. We tried another filter and same again. I'm guessing we now have some restriction in oil channels and is building up too much pressure. WHAT HAS GONE WRONG????? Well more work to be done to fix/find this problem. Bar that, it is ready to start driving, every thing else has been done. My daughter can't wait to start cruising the streets of Perth.
Any one needing B1 parts, I have 2 donor cars, a sedan and 3/4 of a Estate (missing R/H rear 1/4 panel ) And we decided not to use the sun-visor, looked out of place on the wagon.