4) Busted sump. Ran over a huge pothole in a 110km road with my car at 70mm's off the ground. No chance of surviving that.
5) (Almost needed a tow) for broken Coolant hoses and t-pieces. The t-pieces are made out of plastic and dry out over time. Eventually they will crack. I was about 2kms from home when mine blew so I limped myself home keeping a very close eye on the temp gauge.
All car's have problems. I've not read or seen a common trend that Bora's are specifically unreliable.
Obviously, the 4mo's can experience a bit more due to more bits and pieces in the car. Was that 10k in repairs alone, or just general maintenance and some repairs? If it's the latter, then, especially if you're paying labour charges of a specialist vw mechanic, it's not that bad considering the car is minimum 10 years old.
Don't think that a WRX won't come without problems. Unless you buy new, it's likely to have been flogged and parts are not cheap unless it's aftermarket. Also you might want to search for "subaru gearbox problems", and while you're at it, check also for the major service intervals. There are multiple models that require 3 major services in a row. Ouch!