Could be control arm bushes.
I had the control arm bushes redone a while back and that helped handling and quietened things a bit when backing off accelerator.
Hi all,
I wasn't going to post this but I saw a similar thread in the Polo section so thought I'd try my luck.
Okay, first thing's first, I'm taking my car to AUDI Spares on Monday as I've heard some very good reports from sierra055 and seen the name mentioned on the AUDI forums. I guess this is more a guessing game for everyone, so the answer 'take it to a pro' is redundant as I've already booked it in!
The first most intriguing problem/question for me revolves around a whirring noise that I can hear and feel when turning at speeds of 40+km/h. It used to only happen when turning left, but now it happens when turning right too. It occurs on very gradual sweeping turns and is worse when driving harder around tighter corners.
That's one problem.
My other problem is that there is a knocking and squeaking noise from the front end. It mainly happens when driving over small bumps and when backing off the accelerator firmly (more so a squeak for the latter). I really noticed these after I got new front tyres fitted, and then Pedders attempted an alignment as it was pulling left - still is - that was another thread.
I'm hoping both of these issues are related to my front end vibrating rather violently on braking. Yep - that's right - another issue. To me it doesn't feel like warped rotors as it only happens at certain speeds but it's definitely the most obvious answer.
So, what are your thoughts?
I'm really eager to get these bugs ironed out and am hoping it's nothing drastic and/or too expensive.
I'll let everyone know how I get on.
Last edited by dubbed; 29-04-2009 at 09:08 PM.
2000 Mk IV GTI
Could be control arm bushes.
I had the control arm bushes redone a while back and that helped handling and quietened things a bit when backing off accelerator.
I'm really not a mechanic by any means, but might you have a noise from your front swaybar rubbing on a driveshaft if your car is lowered more than moderately? Could this be the answer to a wirring/rubbing noise?
My Mk1 Project
Oh ok, I had just read somewhere that lowered cars had issues with std front swaybars rubbing on the driveshafts.
What is the advantage of the TT/R32 control arm bushes, are these the slightly eccentric ones?
My Mk1 Project
AFAIK the TT ones have more rubber in them. Standard Golf has only partial fill of the inner part, allowing room for movement and earlier failure.
Personally I went with hard poly bushes.
Nothing to see here...
The knocking when going over small bumps is probably the strut top mounts/bearings need renewing. I'd try replacing them first.
Also have a look underneath the car and you should be able to see marks on the driveshafts if there is contact happening (where the sway-bar hoops pass over them).
Well I'm getting new front brake rotors and the rears are getting machined. That is the cause of the shudder. I'm waiting to hear back regarding the other issues.
I have to say, Matt from AUDI Spares has been super helpful and really great to deal with. I will fill you in more when I pick her up tonight (can't wait).
2000 Mk IV GTI
Thought I'd dig this one up from the past with an update and an additional noise...
The squeaking noise was due to some bushes requiring greasing (I think the sway bar bushes). This hasn't come back, thankfully.
The "whirring" noise still exists when taking corners - Volkspower said it was the tyres but I'm not totally convinced. However they do know their stuff.
The car still pulls to the left. This one drives me nuts even though I've learnt to live with it. Can anyone suggest a reputable alignment place in Melbourne?
Also, my brakes have a slight shudder again. I wonder what gives...
And now I have a new noise lol it's never ending. It's coming from behind the radio. It's an odd noise - like someone is trying to get out. I'm not sure how else to describe it but it reminds me of the noise when the climate changes from recirc to fresh air. I thought it was my old headunit but it's definitely not. Any ideas?
2000 Mk IV GTI