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Thread: What to look for when buy a 2.8 V6 1J 4-Motion Bora?

  1. #1

    What to look for when buy a 2.8 V6 1J 4-Motion Bora?

    Looking at buy a 4-motion bora.

    Love my VR6 and i wanna begin the process to turbo it but cant justify turboing a FWD.

    Some advice into what i should look for, common faults and what not would be great, thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Brisbane, Queensland
    Users Country Flag
    In the last 2 yrs I've spent $7k to keep my V6 Bora on the road (I bought new in 2001 - 168k km).
    lateral acceleration sensor
    vacuum hose
    latrial arms, bushes, bearing strut tops and mounts, front struts, rear shocks,
    brake booster hose, coolant sensor, breather hose
    clutch pedal
    steering lock with switch
    cv boot, lower control arms, steering arms

    As I have needed to be towed 3 times in 18 months, I finally decided the car is no longer reliable. I've enjoyed all 13 yrs. With alll the suspension work the car drives great.

    Said goodbye today as I traded it in (gave it away more like it) on a new WRX.

    Good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Melbourne, VIC
    Do some searches on here but usually Haldex system stuffs up if not serviced regularly, window regulators can go along with door switch sensors (to sense if the door is opened or closed). Auto dimming rear view mirror can go fuzzy if exposed to extreme heat.

    Overall I reckon it's pretty reliable and there's enough help online to DIY repairs for even a noob like me.
    VW Bora V6 4motion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Batemans bay
    Users Country Flag

    Apart from obvious mechanical condition - leaks, running temperatures, noises etc service history is vital with these things.... Turn the car on full lock and listen for noises from rear end.... Haldex operation.. Check fuses to make sure it hasn't been disconnected.
    Post some more info on car ... Mileage ? It may well be know to someone on here so the more you tell us the more we can help ....

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