Not really a today thing, but the last two weeks I have replaced the Air Con High Pressure sensor on the firewall of my 1.6sr which was a huge pain in the arse. Now I have vacuumed down the system, recharged with Hychill and found that I got absolutely no cold air out, but heaps of foam. Thought I buggered up the recharge, so I vacced the system down again, and I am leaving it overnight, and will vacuum it again in the morning before putting in another charge of Hychill. So this morning I pulled apart the dash before work and got to the blend door (found that half of my dash was help in with no screws - wtf?) and this evening after work I will be cleaning off the foam on the blend doors and putting the insulation tape over the holes, and hoping to god that my air comes out cool tomorrow.
Pregnant missus + heat means I will lose my mind if this doesn't give me cold air back.