Damn it >.< Secret's out about my embarrassing previous car! :/
Good to hear the VDub boxes are easier. Small engines have small gearboxes which is handy. My fagna's box was almost 40kgs and I needed a hoist to remove it (ended up using a manual 4x4 winch attached to my garage roof). In contrast, my mate changed his clutch in his lancer by his own with no lifting tools because the gearbox barely weighted 15kgs.
My car being a awd, I suspect removing the gearbox would be quite a pain. I'd not only need to disconnect the front driveshafts, but also the tailshaft and then try and maneuver out the box with the transfer case attached. Glad the previous owner did it before me!
Do the bora's also have removable front ends? Or do they have that 'service position' old Audi