alignments can make so much different, spewing I put mine off for so long.
I got some pov pack ones like what my car with, just came from a local wreckers:
These are more readily available in AUS though:
If you want to do LED, check out trickysimons ones, dont think he has had any issues with those
Deets Simon? They're exactly what I want.
Oh, actually, looks like yours don't have LED indicators? Thats my issue, I want the E46 style LED indicators too, but can't find them so was going to build some.
Take a look here mate
Dylan might remember how much they cost etc?
Not sure, I'd have to fire up the old comp to check
My net optic interior pieces arrived today!will write up a DIY about making it into brushed aluminium trim el cheapo way
Well Dylan - I've joined your defect boat!'s my first time (been pulled up but never given one) and thankfully the cop went easy on me. No fine. Just a minor. And no canary - yay!
Out of all the illegalities on the car (too low load rated front tyres, stretched tyres, too low, too loud and missing 3rd brake light), I got done for the wheels sticking out from the guards and the tailligihts being too dark. Got a month to clear the defect. I suspect being late at night and still having the canberra plates helped with getting less of a paling.
Nonetheless, it's an awful experience. It's why I never illegally modified my last car.
And to finish my night when I got home the engine was billowing out smoke from around the throttle body area (with fluid spitting out), coolant bottle was bone dry empty and my dash was buzzing with a temp guage sign and a (achtung) "STOP" signal. Before the smoke started, the car was vibrating under acceleration from 2000-3500rpm. I first thought it was the exhaust that got loose as the temp gauge did not move from 90C (middle) during the last 2km stretch to home I'm tipping and hoping it's only the throttle body coolant line(s) that have leaked out all my coolant. The STOP warning and the smoke is a concern and I hope no permanent damage has been done to the engine.
What coolant (red/green?) do the Bora 2.8L 4mo's need? I usually do a 50:50 mix with concentrate.
Originally Posted by MightyCarMods
-| "Laura" - 2001 Bora 4-motion (now sold) |-
That's a real f$@#er of an evening mate! At least you got it home before it did any major damage!!
Coolant: All VAG cars should be on the 'red' coolant, which is actually called 'G12', 'G12+' etc. BUT.. You really should flush the coolant lines with water first, as some lazy mechanics put the green stuff in, and when mixed with the red, can thicken up into a gunk and cause all sorts of problems!
I'd flush it with water, then run only water in the system while you're stuffing around with it trying to find the leak.. Otherwise, you'll just end up leaking out a heap of nice new 'G12' coolant all over the place.. Then empty it all out once you've fixed the problem, and fill it up with 50:50 G12.. (I've been through it before when a seal leaked out all my new coolant, and it was late on a Sat night, no more shops open for days..)
Dark Grey Mk4 Golf, 1.8T GTI conversion, APR stage 1, stock air intake, FMIC, 3" to 2.5" Exhaust, FK AK Street Coils, Black 18" (Avant Garde M310's ?), tinted tails, ...