Noticeable difference between the standard k03 and k03s?
Been toying with the idea of getting one.
Well it's been a few weeks now that the GTI has been on the road again. The original turbo was cactus (cracked inlet housing & burned out wastegate) so bought some gear off ECS.
Basically the car has a K03 sport turbo. You need to use an S3 intake pipe and top airbox lid to keep things looking stock.
A 42DD 3 inch turbo back exhaust was installed as well. Sounds great and it's loud, although it passes the wife test lol. It rattled on the rear beam so I added a Hose clamp on the rear hanger and fixed that.
Turned out better than expected.
Last edited by VR6man; 25-08-2012 at 01:04 PM.
MK4 GTI: Custom Code Stage 2, K03S, 42DD exhaust, Bilsteins, whiteline F&R, 312mm brakes
MK6 GTI: MY13, DSG , very stock
Ducati 749
Noticeable difference between the standard k03 and k03s?
Been toying with the idea of getting one.
Platinum Grey mkV Jetta turbo, Viezu motorsport map, GT-CX 18", lowering to come
It's hard to compare as my original turbo was stuffed.
Originally I was thinking about a K04 but the K03S needed much less hardware changes. Couldn't imagine the MK4 with more power. I can't go more the half throttle in the wet and in general driving I'm basically short shifting through the gears. It's very stong through the midrange.
When I was researching for a new turbo I figured that the K03S would give me an excellent daily driver, and together with a tune is a hoot.
MK4 GTI: Custom Code Stage 2, K03S, 42DD exhaust, Bilsteins, whiteline F&R, 312mm brakes
MK6 GTI: MY13, DSG , very stock
Ducati 749
rear beam alignment sesh with Matt.
only have 1 maybe 2mm MAX difference now compared to the 5+mm I had before.
Nice rubbing even both sides in those dips in the hwy rather then just flogging the drivers side
Thanks heaps!!!
Fired up my Bora for the first time since early June (with a little help from the NRMA) so I can take it off to the diff doctor on Monday for a new rear pinion bearing.
Battery was so flat that the doors and boot wouldn't unlock, had to manually unlock the passenger's door and climb through to release the bonnet catch.
Just ordered my headlights of ebay
got sick of driving around with candles.
I bought these ones
VW Bora SCHEINWERFER headlights Angel Eyes 98-05 #602 | eBay
I wanted the real deal bora lights but i just cant comprehend paying nearly $1500 for headlights.
Installed my boost gauge and steering column pod from ECS today. Battled for hours yesterday looking for an entry point through the firewall. I even tried to pry the wipers off to access the rain tray.
After a little more research, I finally found the grommet behind the glovebox which hides behind the pollen filter on the opposite side.
Even had my mrs helping, made the job easier with an extra pair off hands.
MK4 GTI: Custom Code Stage 2, K03S, 42DD exhaust, Bilsteins, whiteline F&R, 312mm brakes
MK6 GTI: MY13, DSG , very stock
Ducati 749