Added more kms.... Mount Victory Road - Halls Gap to Wartook - drive this road, its awesome!!!!!
More like "What someone else did to my MK4 today"... I was driving home last night along Centre Rd in Bentleigh and someone was kind enough to throw something at my car! I suspect it was a can considering the people appeared to be drinking on the street. I pulled over to find a small golf ball/hail sized dent on my bonnet with 4 deep scratches to go along with it.
I was going to drive back as there were only two of the summy c***s but I saw 3 other unsavoury characters join their group. I decided it would be best to just call the police. The people were long gone when the police arrived so they just took photos of the damage and they're going to send a report in the mail.
Anyway, my insurance excess is high so can anyone recommend a good place to get the dent pulled out and respray?
MK IV R32 - #117
Today I bought some auto glym bodywork shampoo conditioner some ultra deep shine and some glass cleaner. Will be a busy morning of cleaning tomorrow. Also finished colour coding my valance - did the front today.
Also lithium greased the brackets that hold the rear seats in as they creak like a boat.
Hopefully that'll fix that!
Last edited by JustCruisn; 28-08-2010 at 06:35 PM.
well today i washed my car with the above autoglym products and also polished it.. looks great now.
also if anybody is met with a creaking back end grease the brackets on the back of the seats! mine does not creak one bit after doing this.. i was really worried about it being the suspension but a little grease totally eliminated the noise!
MY02 Bora V6 4Mo|Matte Black plastidip|VTDA|R32 Exhaust|R32 dampers and springs|TT pedals|R32 steering wheel|17" 8L S3 rims|R32 sways|Blue Haldex|EBC reds