What's with you Al ? Have you bought shares in ECS or something ? You must post something for ECS and against the dealers everyday !!
For what it's worth I got a set of standard VW ones (not R) from ebay for about $15 - 20 to my door.
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Because I'm sick of the dealers in Australia blatantly ripping people off.
I don't see anything wrong with educating people that they can get a better deal OS if it saves them some money. If the the dealers here have got your panties in a twist about it good, maybe they will learn that it's not okay to rip people off and that we do have a choice to buy elsewhere.
Do they seriously reckon people don't shop around on the net these days before any purchase, it's not like they give good service any way to justify the exorbitant costs let alone even know 99% of the time wtf they are doing when working on the cars they sell.
I can order something from OS even from TmTuning in Germany and have it to my door for cheaper and far quicker than the dealer at the end of my farkin street can get it to me and then have the hide to try and charge me double to quadruple the price for the privilege.
If your stupid enough to support them all the power to you but they wont be getting my or any of my mates money.
Cheers Al
My local dealer is a bit mixed when it comes to pricing. They are bad when it comes to parts that wear out more often. (Air filters, oil filters, bushings. I paid almost $80 for a pair of front sway bar bushings!), but on special one off orders like the TT short shift kit they are comparably cheap ($80 and they had to get it from germany, and it's metal \m/). I've also paid $125 for the 4-motion front valance, and $180 for the 4-motion rear.
Basically i shop around. I don't write the dealers off until i've compared price, because they can surprise you sometimes.
Some bugger pinched my lkeft side valve stem caps on Sunday. I'm not feeling murderous over it, but its not nice.
My dad's a school teacher and he keeps finding the caps from his MKV Jetta on BMX bikes at school.
He has bought several sets of these but I think we're out of them now:
An Update: My badge was picked up by a collegue at work. Yay!! :bowdown: Must have fallen off when I left. She handed it to me this morning in wrapping paper, and said "I have a present for you." Im so happy because I do like the original badge look.
Hahaha - you'll have to buy her a beer after work today!
Name another business actively trying to help Australians in the way ECS do (decent prices, especially compared with local, and working out shipping deals to save us even more money) - I think it's perfectly reasonable to recommend them.
When someone locally can get me a set of Mk4 R32 rotors for less than $400 shipped to my door, as opposed to $680 EACH (and that's trade price!) from a dealer, I'll be happy to see them promoted here as often as ECS are.
not what i did to mine, but what i did to my dads b5 passat 4mo .. grabbed these! arrived today .. bargain too!
not a fan of momo at all actually but these look really nice i was suprised.
swapping the rs4's over for these as we speak!
Hey fuzion, where did you get those? I was in a wreckers and he had 3 of those wheels, the 4th was destroyed in the prang and I was looking for a 4th...