So, Finally got around to installing my fk projector headlights. When they first came i wasn't too sure about them thinking the angel eyes are a bit wanky. They seem to be pretty decent with some minor flaws and cheap parts. All in all though now they are installed im pretty pleased with them but i will see how they are down the track.
This is how the car looked before:
First step was to remove the bumper by taking out the torx screws under the grille (5 in total), two behind the "fog lights" (one each side), And the screws (and bolts on mine) inside the wheel arch
And then gently slide the bumper off.
Onces the bumpers off you have access to the two screws under the headlight, Undo the two underneath then the two on top, Disconnect the cable and wola your headlight should be in your hand (after pulling)
Next is swapping the levelling motors over. This is done by removing the cable, then twisting the motor and it should just pop out (if you don't understand look at the hole, it should explain it) Once the motors out you will need to disconnect it from the headlight on the ball end by sliding it out of the channel. Install into the new headlights in the reverse manner.
Levelling motor
Installed in new headlight.
Next you simply swap the fog light and turn signal bulbs over.
fog light (note should actually pull the connector out of the little black housing
Turn signal
All installed
Have fun trying to install the weather proofing on the back, I suggest using your favourite poking stick
Next step is to simply reinstall them the reverse of taking them out. All though before you go through the trouble of putting the bumper back on make sure they work first
Cable extender may be needed as the plug has moved