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Euro Remaps
I removed the headlights and sanded them with 800 1200 then 1500 wet and dry sandpaper till they were perfectly smooth..i then used a scuff pad to score the surface prior to then next stage..i then cleaned the surface with isopropyl solution at this time they were warm as i warmed them up with a heat gun ... and then sprayed them with clear adhesive promoter...as soon as i sprayed the surface it started to crack....i tried the same procedure with straight laquer and the same thing happened...ive sanded them back and tried the same procedure a few times and the same thing happens....what am i doing wrong..ive watched videos and searched all over the net to get the ideas above..im sick of rubbing them down and was looking at an easier option...help would be appreciated..
whats this adhesive promoter?
For plastic headlight lenses, just polish them up like you have (with polishing compound or sanding like you have been (until they are nice and clear), and then use a UV stabiliser to finish. You can get it in a headlight lense repair kit. The lense repair kits are usually pretty weak in the polishing compound department (its hard to do damage with them) but the UV stabiliser is the bit you want.
I definitely would avoid using any kind of lacquer on them - anything with petroleum solvents will penetrate the pores and cause problems.
'07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
'98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
'99 A4 Quattro 1.8T