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Thread: VW Approved Oils for 1999-2004 vehicles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Users Country Flag

    Talking VW Approved Oils for 1999-2004 vehicles

    VW/Audi Approved Engine Oils (Manufactures A thru P)
    Oil Quality Standard VW 502.00

    For the most part, these are all 5W-40 viscosity. There are a few that are 0W-40 and some that are 5W-30.

    Manufacturer - Audi/VW
    Description- part number ZVW 352 540 S*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Addinol
    Description- Super light MV0546
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Super power MV 0537
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Manufacturer - Adnoc
    Description- Image
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Agip
    Description- Sint Evolution
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Synthetic PC
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Tecsint
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Tecsint SL
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - AMAG
    Description- Gamaparts Gold Synt
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Antar
    Description- Excellia LDX
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - AnYe
    Description- Lubricating Oil AnYe 1
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Aral
    Description- HighTronic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Aral
    Description- SuperTronic
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - Autol
    Description- Carrera
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Bardahl
    Description- XTC 100% Synthetic Motor Oil
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Beijing
    Description- Tongyi Petroleum Xin Gai Nian
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - BP
    Description- Euro Germany
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Euro Plus
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Euro Spirit
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Visco 5000
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Visco Sport
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - Bucher AG
    Description- Motorex Xperience FS-X
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Select SP-X
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Xperience FS-X
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - Carat
    Description- ad-Synt-Oil
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Carl Bechem
    Description- Hessol ADT Plus
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Staroil Synergie Alpha
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Cartechnic
    Description- Motorenöl
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Castrol
    Description- GTX 7 Dynatec
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Castrol Performance
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Castrol Syntec*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Castrol TXT Softec
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Cepsa
    Description- Star Mega Synthetic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Conoco
    Description- Syncon High Performance Synthetic Engine Oil
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Coparts
    Description- Carl Motorenöl Power
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Cyclon Hellas
    Description- Cyclon F1 Racing
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - De Oliebron
    Description- Tor Hypersynth
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Dongying Xinyi
    Description- Xin Yi 1
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Duckhams
    Description- Duckhams Q Fully Synthetic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Elf
    Description- Elf Excellium LDX*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - ENOC
    Description- ENOC Protec X-treme
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Esso
    Description- Esso Megatron
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Esso Ultron
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Esso Ultron SL
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Motor Oil Plus
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Eurol
    Description- Eurol Super Lite
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - FAW-Sihuan Petrofer
    Description- Huan Ya
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Feu Vert
    Description- Feu Vert 100% Synthese
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Fina
    Description- Fina First
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Fina Motortronic RS
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - FL Selenia
    Description- Pulsar S.D.
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Selenia WR
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Fortum
    Description- Neste City Pro
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Description- Neste City Pro
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Fuchs
    Description- Fuchs TITAN Supersyn
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Titan Formel MC
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Galp energia
    Description- Galp Formula 1 Plus
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Galp Formula TD Plus
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Ginouves
    Description- York 848
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Goldhand
    Description- Budget Motorenöl vollsynthetisch
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Gulf
    Description- Gulf Formula S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Gulf Formula G
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Huiles Labo
    Description- Labo Carat
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Igol
    Description- Igol Symbol Ceramic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Igol Symbol Ceramic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Process Compact P
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Manufacturer - INA
    Description- INA Futura MB
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Ina Millennium
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Kendall Motor Oil
    Description- Kendall GT-1 Full Synthetic Motor Oil*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Kuttenkeuler
    Description- Motorenöl S-Tronic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Liqui Moly
    Description- Liqui Moly Leichtlauf HC 7
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Liqui Moly Longtime High Tech
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Liqui Moly Profi Synthoil
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Liqui Moly Synthoil High Tech
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Lotos
    Description- Lotos Dynamic
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Description- Lotos Economic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Lotos Syntetic SL/SJ/CF/CD
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Lotos Traffic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Lukoil
    Description- Lukoil LUX
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Meguin
    Description- EMARAT Super Synth
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- megol Motorenoel New Generation
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- megol Motorenoel Super Leichtlauf
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Motorenoel Low Emission
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Motorenoel Ultra Performance Longlife
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Mitan
    Description- Alpine RSL vollsynth.
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - Mobil
    Description- Mobil 1*
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Description- Mobil 1
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Mobil Special X
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Mobil Synt S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Mobil Syst S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Mogul
    Description- Mogul Forte Racing Pro
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - MOL
    Description- MOL Dynamic Star
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Morris
    Description- Multilife Synthetic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Motul
    Description- Motul 6100 X-cess
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Motul 8100 E-tech*
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Description- Motul 8100 X-cess
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Motul Synergie
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Motul Synergie Ester +
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - MRD
    Description- Motor Gold Supertec
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Nocc
    Description- Valar Gema XLL 053
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Manufacturer - Northland
    Description- Synergy Synthetic EuroSyn
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Oel-Brack
    Description- Midland Avanza
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Oel-Brack
    Description- Midland Synqron
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- idland Synqron
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Oest
    Description- Oest ETA Synthetik
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Oktanoil
    Description- Mega Full
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Ölwerke Julius Schindler
    Description- Econo Veritas XL-HC
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - OMV
    Description- OMV full syn
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- OMV full syn plus
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Panolin
    Description- Panolin Indy SV
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Paramo
    Description- Mogul Racing Pro
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Pennzoil
    Description- Pennzoil Synthetic European Formula
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Pennzoil European Formula Ultra
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Pennzoil Synthetic European Formula Ultra
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Manufacturer - Pentosin
    Description- Motorenoel Pento High Performance
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Pentosynth
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Petrobras
    Description- Lubrax Sintético
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Petrol Ofisi
    Description- PO Ultra
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Petronas
    Description- Petronas Syntium 3000
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Petronas Syntium 3000 LL
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Petronas Syntium 3000 S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Petronas Syntium 5000 FS
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Description- Petronas Syntium 900
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - PetroVRC
    Description- Kunlun HTPC
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Poweroil High-Tech-Schmierstoffe
    Description- HD 5W-40 SL CF Topsynth
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- HD
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - Profi-Tech
    Description- Profi-Car Synth Tech XT
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Protech
    Description- Meister-Öl-LeichtlaufÃÂl
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    VW/Audi Approved Engine Oils (Manufactures Q thru Z)

    Manufacturer - Quaker State
    Description- Quaker State European Formula Ultra*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Quaker State Full Synthetic European Formula*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Quaker State Full synthetic European Formula Ultra*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Manufacturer - Rafinerija Modrica
    Description- Optima Magnum Plus
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb
    Description- Ravenol Hydrocrack Synth. HCS
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Ravenol VSI
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Repsol
    Description- Repsol Elaion Full Performance
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Repsol Elite Competician
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Repsol Elite Cosmos
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - Rowe
    Description- Hightec Synth RS 5W-40 i
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Hightec Synt-HC 5W-40 i
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - SCT
    Description- Mannol Extreme
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Seventy-Six Lubricants
    Description- 76 Pure Synthetic Motor Oil*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Shanghai Oil Refinery
    Description- HAIPAI 2293
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Shanghai Tempo
    Description- Tempo 8000-1A
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Shell
    Description- Formula Shell Ultra AB
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Sehll Helix Ultra AM
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Shell Helix Plus
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Shell Helix Plus
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Shell Helix Plus S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Shell Helix Plus S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Shell Helix Premium
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Shell Helix Ultra
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Shell Helix Ultra AB
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Shell Helix Ultra AL
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Shell SL 0914
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Sinopec
    Description- Polar Star II
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - SK Corporation
    Description- ZIC XQ
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Slovnaft
    Description- Madit Ultra
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Manufacturer - Smessindo
    Description- Liqtro Enduro Ultra
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Spectr-Auto
    Description- Polarm
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - SRS Schmierstoff Vertrieb
    Description- Wintershall Primalub topsynth
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Wintershall ViVA 1 ecosynth
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Description- Wintershall VIVA 1 Longlife
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Wintershall ViVA 1 topsynth
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Wintershall ViVA 1 topsynth alpha
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Wintershall ViVA 1 topsynth alpha LA
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Manufacturer - Startol
    Description- Synt-XL
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Statoil
    Description- Statoil GT S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- LazerWay
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Statoil Pro Synthetic
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - SWD
    Description- swd Primus HDC
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Teboil
    Description- Teboil Gold
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Texaco
    Description- Havoline Ultra*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Havoline Ultra
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Texaco Havoline Ultra BM
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Manufacturer - Top Oil
    Description- Top Evolution
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Total
    Description- Total Activa 9000
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Total Quartz 9000*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Unicorn
    Description- Unicorn Ultra Synt
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Unil Opal
    Description- Opaljet 24 S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Opaljet 24S
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Valvoline
    Description- SynPower
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Valvoline DuraBlend MXL
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Valvoline SynPower*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Valvoline SynPower*
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Valvoline SynPower motor oil
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Description- Valvoline SynPower MXL
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-30

    Description- Valvoline SynPro motor oil
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - VAPS
    Description- VAPSOIL 502 00
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Vial Oil
    Description- Consol Ultima
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Wako
    Description- Wako's 4CT
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Wolf
    Description- Wolf Masterlube Synflow DC
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Yacco
    Description- Yacco VX 1000
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Yacco VX 600
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - YPF
    Description- Elaion Plus VWS
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- Elaion Sintetico VWS
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Description- YPF Elaion Full Performance
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40

    Manufacturer - Yukos
    Description- U-Tech System
    Viscosity- SAE 0W-40

    Manufacturer - Zeller+Gmelin
    Description- Divinol Syntholight
    Viscosity- SAE 5W-40
    Last edited by DIDZ; 05-11-2007 at 10:52 AM. Reason: VW/Audi Approved Engine Oils (Manufactures Q thru Z)

  3. #3
    Thanks Didz. I've added it to our FAQ's
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
    There is nothing better than a polo badge, thats why you will notice Veyron drivers with polo gti badges.... they know where the true sizzles at!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag
    Good info ! but apart from those available off the shelf brand (Castrol, Shell, Mobil, etc), where to get the others

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sydney, NSW
    Perhaps the ones available in Aus (Motul, Amsoil, Mobil, Valvoline, Castrol, Fuchs etc) should be highlighted in bold?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia
    New new Penrite "SYN 5 " and "SYN 10" are both VW 500/501.01/502/505 approved oils. I used 10w-70 in my Mk4 as with summer heat coming you want something thicker

    And they cost under 50 bucks for 5L... They might worth a look.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sydney, NSW
    Woah... 70 weight oil... you may find you're doing more harm than good with that!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Melbourne, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by Langers View Post
    Woah... 70 weight oil... you may find you're doing more harm than good with that!
    You reckon it's too thick ? I could not find anything else with VW certification on it...

    Shell Helix Ultra Extra ( or ultra VX ) not available, Fuchs Titan Ultra III not available, Mobil 1 5w-40 Ultra SMP or what ever it's called not available anymore... This was the only one certified by vw standards.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I can get the Elf Excellium LDX from work for good prices. Thats what i use in my car.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Sydney, NSW

    Quote Originally Posted by torque View Post
    You reckon it's too thick ? I could not find anything else with VW certification on it...

    Shell Helix Ultra Extra ( or ultra VX ) not available, Fuchs Titan Ultra III not available, Mobil 1 5w-40 Ultra SMP or what ever it's called not available anymore... This was the only one certified by vw standards.
    What made you go for oil that thick anyway? Your car doesn't have high clearance bearings, it isn't old, it isn't overheating... the thicker the oil, the harder the engine will have to work, = more heat, more power loss.

    Just run the 5w40 that VW recommends. The correct weight of oil is more important than VW certification. Some oil companies simply don't bother with certification for specific manufacturers due to the cost involved.

    If you look around, you should be able to find Motul (Auto1), Valvoline (Supercheap Auto), Fuchs (random parts stores) in 5w40 with the appropriate VW approval without too much difficulty.

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