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Thread: Used car dealers: Am I being unreasonable?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Mt. Colah, NSW

    Used car dealers: Am I being unreasonable?

    Hi guys,

    A few days before Christmas last year my wife and I bought our first VW, a Mk. 4 2 litre Golf. On Saturday the 19th of December we agreed on the trade in and purchase price of the Golf, and we signed all the paperwork. At the time we noticed a few things wrong with the car (interior light fitting broken, power mirrors didn't work, a blinker didn't work, and we asked to have the roof racks removed). This was noted on the sales paperwork, and we told the dealer, Sydney......., of Five Dock, that we would be back "early next week" to finalise payment and collect the car.

    On Tuesday the 22nd of December we rang the dealer to let them know we were coming. Shortly after they rang back to say that they hadn't done ANY of the repairs yet. Well, we needed the car! It's just a few days before Christmas!

    We collected the car, and agreed to return it within the 3 month warranty period to have the repairs completed. That night I discovered that almost EVERY light didn't work!

    On Christmas Eve the car pretty much died, with a faulty MAF sensor and choked up O2 sensor the culprits. Attempted to call the dealer, no answer. Our local mechanic was gracious enough to make the repairs for us, and get the car running.

    After Christmas we confronted the dealer, who said he was expecting us "on Thursday" (how is that early in the week in anyones book?). We told him we tried to call on Thursday anyway, and he says "well we aren't here Christmas Eve(!!!). That dealer again, is Sydney ....., of Five Dock.

    After some debating he grudgingly signed a cheque for the cost of parts, but not labour.

    In the new year we took the car back to our mechanic for a complete going over to check it out within the warranty period. He found (in addition to the ealier faults):

    1. The left headlight was missing the lower fixing screw, so it flopped about.
    2. The right headlight top fixing straps were both broken, so the light flopped about.
    3. The front left foglight does not work.
    4. Boot light fitting completed corroded and not working.
    5. The 5 screws under the front grill holding the bumper on were missing.

    Took the car and this list to Sydney Prestige, of Five Dock, and told them they could have the car for a week.

    They kept it for 4 days, and all that has been fixed is the interior light fitting, the power mirrors and the boot light fitting (which still does not work!). Though they said they fixed everything else but the headlights.

    The lights, they claim, is "wear and tear", and not covered by warranty.

    Now, am I being unreasonable to assume these problems should be fixed? Or should I bring down the full wrath of the Department of Fair Trading along with any demons I can summon up? I have never, ever had to deal with such a stereotypical used car dealer before.

    Apologies for the wall of text, but I've been jumping through hoops for these clowns.
    Last edited by gtimk5; 22-02-2010 at 06:40 AM.


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