The output shaft from the gearbox going to the tailshaft has i think 3? bolts attaching them together. The tail shaft wont simply drop off though as it is splined where it attaches. Thus to get them apart you need to either swing the motor & gearbox away from the tailshaft to create the necessary distance or somehow create the room further back in the drivetrain. I did the former.
Also there's a pesky little allen bolt all the way down the drivers side front driveshaft input. Not sure how to descrive it better but this photo might help.
Its a bitch of a hex since its buried about 200-300mm deep, i ended up welding up my own custom long hex key as everything else i had was either too wide to fit down the hole or just broke when i used it.
Actually i've found this link i used when i did mine, should help - Transmission Removal Clutch Replacement diy Quick Version
Good Luck!