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Thread: Under Bonnet Insulation

  1. #1

    Under Bonnet Insulation

    Hello Volks

    Today, as I open the bonnet of my Bora V5 and refill the wind screen washer bottle. I notice the insulation blanket under the bonnet is very dusty and filthy. So I removed it.

    Just curious, has anybody done the same to your cars?
    Any benefite of removing that?

    Will there be issues of any kind as a result of not having this under bonnet insulation? such as engine heat cause paint damage on the bonnet, or water condensation under the bonnet, engine bay too cold

    Is there any way that I clean this insulation?

    Thank you


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Users Country Flag
    trust me, you wont have to worry about it getting to cold under there haha. I took mine off my gti over a year ago and no paint damage as of yet. benifits? louder induction so more ptssssshhhh

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Users Country Flag
    Do you notice the engine is much louder in the car when you are driving?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    I removed insulation from inside bonnet a couple of years ago. No downside. Sounds louder and looks better.

    Sent from iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bundabora View Post
    Do you notice the engine is much louder in the car when you are driving?
    I haven't noticed the louder engine, maybe because I've been stuck in traffic since yesterday.
    But I do notice some finer little engine noise that I haven't heard before. little noise tapping buzzing in the engine, sounds like valve open and close. Hope it's not something broken

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Brisbane, QLD
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    the paint will die quicker, but it will still take several years. hopefully you sell the car by then

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