Valve body failure in Mk4 and Mk5 auto transmissions is pretty common. Assuming this is whats happened to your car it should be a pretty straight forward fix by an auto transmission specialist.
Hey guys,
My 2001 Golf auto trans has decided to die (i think). Lost all forward gears and now reverse as well. Any thoughts or ideas? looking to get a second hand 4 spd so I can replace if necessary but proving to be quite difficult to locate a decent second hand trans in Adelaide
Any help greatly appreciated
Valve body failure in Mk4 and Mk5 auto transmissions is pretty common. Assuming this is whats happened to your car it should be a pretty straight forward fix by an auto transmission specialist.
Either Upllit or Volkstorque?
Cheers Lucas, will look into it. I did ring DRW here in Adelaide and was told they are very expensive to repair. As soon as you remove the valve body it breaks the electrical ribbon which will then need replacing as well. They are $500 just for that. He said that the pump may have failed or blocked filter as well so basically looking at around $2000-$3000 to repair. And dubster, I rang volktorque too and he hasnt had a 4 speed for a while now and are getting harder to find and to keep ringing every couple of weeks.
I guess another question I have is, will a 5 speed bolt straight on in its place without any issue and drive fine? and if so, would the 5 speed work without issue and would I need to adjust and gearing elsewhere?
I have seen a few mk4s with autos at Upullit as of late too.
Are you refering to 5 speed auto or manual?
Hey dubster99,
4 spd auto mate
What 5 speed were you referring to though?
just a general question in reference to 5 spds. Was wondering if a 5 spd auto would bolt on in place of the 4 spd seeing as though I cant seem to find a 4 spd anywhere. I did find one in Holden Hill at a wreckers but has done 145K so not really keen on a trans with that many k's but I might not have any other option. I rang a trans specialist who has told me that a repair my cost upwards of $2k......Volkstorque hasn't seena 4 spd trans for over 6 months now so getting hard to come by........running out of options and not wanting to spend massive money although the car is good![]()