recently i have noticed that when i go over certain ditches or speed humps the ESP light on my dashboard starts flashing. Last night when i gave it a bit around some corners and did a bit of hard breaking both the ABS and ESP lights came on and stayed on untill i turned off the car. it seems to have gone back to normal now but i cant help thinking that the ESP light is flashing more and more often even when i am nowhere near losing any traction! does this happen with anyone else? The light doesnt bother me but when the light flashes the power automatically cuts out and thats really annoying me
Last edited by dre211; 24-09-2007 at 06:14 PM.
Dre - get the car checked for faults - if they stayed on, this time they should have recorded one.
Could be wheel / abs sensor needs cleaning out / checking. The diagnostic report should lead you to the exact fault!