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Thread: timing chain tensioner is it primed ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
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    timing chain tensioner is it primed ?


    MY BORA 4 Motion timing chain has been making a bit of noise. I ordered the parts for the AUE.. but the parts are incorrect

    the timing chain bolt is a lot smaller...... anyway as this is my daily drive I have put it back together again. I have to use the old tensioner until I get a new correct one (022109507a)

    I can't seem to prim it. how hard should it be to push once primed ??
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
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    solved I was trying to prime with the bold vertical, head at top and head at bottom, could not get enough tension.
    primed horizontally, was done in a jiffy.
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

  3. #3
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    Good news my chain noise has gone once warmed up, or pressurised the old tensioner, or was it the oil change?

    According to the service history the chains were done at 97k so in theory didn’t need to be done until 190000 k, but The engine was all marbles sounds hot or cold, sounded like it was coming from the top. I set out to replace the top chain tensioner and guide to see if this helped, before going down the full chain set replacement.

    I ended up buying the wrong parts, although sellers advised, these were to right parts, upon opening it all up, I discovered I had 3chains not the 2. Eeek! What a waste of a weekend, wife not happy!
    Although the oil was changed 3000k earlier, I thought I might as well change now. The oil in it was 5w40, don’t know if synthetic or not, I changed to fully synthetic 10w 40, cleans a lot of hunk out of the tensioner bolt while trying to prime it.

    Good news no more marble in the engine, once warmed up

    Not sure if it was the new oil, cleaning out the tensioner bolt, or a combo, in any case a new bold is coming and will be installed as soon as it arrives.

    Thought this might help others hearing the sound of doom!

    Try cleaning the tensioner and a fresh oil change.


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1990 MK2 Golf GTI

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Penrith, NSW
    Users Country Flag

    Nice tip mate ��

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