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Thread: Timing Belt Payment Advice

  1. #1
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    Timing Belt Payment Advice

    Hey there,

    I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. I have a MK4 Golf 1.6 and I'm aching for a timing belt change. I went to Audvolks for an inspection service recently and the mech said I should probably have it changed because the last change isn't in the service history. Also, there is an audile whirring noise from inside the engine, not sure if this would be related.

    I really want to get it changed as soon as possible, but the job I relied on for much of my income isn't giving me any work anymore, I'm just about to move house and I don't have large cash reserves. This coupled with the fact that I do a lot of driving is starting to get me pretty worried.

    Anyway, my question is if anyone would know of a mechanic in Melbourne that would allow for repayment installments? I got a timing belt + water pump change quote from Audvolks and they said it will cost just shy of $1000.

  2. #2
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    I don't see that likely.

    Although they have advised a belt change, have you been told of it's condition.

    Obviously there's a risk not getting it done, but also a strong chance it won't break before you can save up and pay on the spot.


    Quote Originally Posted by jeddyb View Post
    Hey there,

    I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. I have a MK4 Golf 1.6 and I'm aching for a timing belt change. I went to Audvolks for an inspection service recently and the mech said I should probably have it changed because the last change isn't in the service history. Also, there is an audile whirring noise from inside the engine, not sure if this would be related.

    I really want to get it changed as soon as possible, but the job I relied on for much of my income isn't giving me any work anymore, I'm just about to move house and I don't have large cash reserves. This coupled with the fact that I do a lot of driving is starting to get me pretty worried.

    Anyway, my question is if anyone would know of a mechanic in Melbourne that would allow for repayment installments? I got a timing belt + water pump change quote from Audvolks and they said it will cost just shy of $1000.

  3. #3
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    Have a look at the belt yourself mate, theres a black plastic trim covering the belt, there should be afew clips to pull it off then look at the belt yourself, after about a year they are hard to tell how old they actually are, but your looking for signs of breakage, so split ends, cuts, oil contamination etc. If it looks like it needs doing, I'd do it ASAP.

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the tips.

    The mechanic didn't necessarily say it looked like it really needed to be done immediately, more just that he can't tell when it was last done.

    I've taken a couple of snaps with the cover to see what you guys think.

    I've also shot a quick video just to show it idling and a quick rev. Only things that stand out to me at that it does tend to mis every now and then and that there is a fairly noisy whirring sound in the engine bay.

    Just a note, that loud clacking noise is the neighbours renovating.

    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    got a credit card , maybe its time to use it

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnnie5 View Post
    got a credit card , maybe its time to use it
    hehe, I have, but it's got enough on it already that I wouldn't be able to afford it. They don't give very big limits to people with not much money haha.

  7. #7
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    I had a whir on my 2.0, got the belt/pump changed with oem parts for ~800
    The whir is gone and I don't have to worry about it snapping anymore.

  8. #8
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    might be time to learn how to do it yourself... or have a mechanically inclined mate do it, cost of parts won't be a lot.
    You need the timing belt, tensioner, water pump (it should come with gaskets), coolant, and you might as well do the oil and filter while you are at it.

    There is a method where you leave the old timing belt on, cut it along its length , which gives you and extra thin belt. Then slip the new one half way on, cut the old belt off, and push the new one home - then there is no chance something gets out of alignment. The tricky part is slitting the old belt....

    here it is in words, no pics attached:!-Pics-Inside!

    It is suggested you change the bolts for the engine mount as well, i have reused mine with no issues (yes i know they recommend new ones..)

    Different engine, same method, would take 4 to six hours
    Last edited by Stan; 04-02-2013 at 08:50 AM.
    My build thread here: 1.6 sr into 1.8T

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stan View Post
    might be time to learn how to do it yourself... or have a mechanically inclined mate do it, cost of parts won't be a lot.
    You need the timing belt, tensioner, water pump (it should come with gaskets), coolant, and you might as well do the oil and filter while you are at it.

    There is a method where you leave the old timing belt on, cut it along its length , which gives you and extra thin belt. Then slip the new one half way on, cut the old belt off, and push the new one home - then there is no chance something gets out of alignment. The tricky part is slitting the old belt....

    here it is in words, no pics attached: - DIY: Timing Belt And Coolant Pump Replacement on 2.0 AEG! Pics Inside!!

    It is suggested you change the bolts for the engine mount as well, i have reused mine with no issues (yes i know they recommend new ones..)

    Different engine, same method, would take 4 to six hours

    Thanks for that, I'll have a good look at it and figure out whether I would be comfortable doing it.

  10. #10
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    Do you have enough cash to buy the parts? or are you looking for a mechanic to cover the entire job and you pay it back?

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