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Thread: Bora 4 Motion or Passat 4 Motion the new project car

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    GoldenGrove SA
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    Bora 4 Motion or Passat 4 Motion the new project car

    Hi brothers of the Mk 4 realm, am I correct in thinking that a Bora 4M or Passat 4m is the poor mans R32?

    I can see entry prices on a Bora 4M between $5k and $10k and 1 Passat 4M with a 3.2 at $11k, I have a lot of questions so endulge me please.

    From what I have seen the Mk 4 has front strut tower weekness, poor passanger side window electrics and in the Bora cracked leather upholstery is a given. Is the 3.2 or 3.6 just a bolt in for the original 2.8, I have no plans on going the SC or Turbo route so what are the best upgrades, will the 6MT hold up and are there different 6MT boxes, best suspension up grades as I am not interest in looks so no super low.

    I plan on doing as much work on the car myself but I don't have any fancy fabrication tools just the standard colection of VW tools, torx, hex, triple square, metric sockets and spanners, body stands and garage jack. I may end up building myself a pit for those pesky exhaust jobs.

    Feel free to make as many suggestions as you like, what I am seeking is V6 music and manual stimulation as these are lacking from my Jetta and as we know 2 dubs are better than 1 and 3 is just about heaven

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Eastern Melbourne
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    Out of those two, the bora would probably the harder one to find parts for.This would due to the lack of the 4mo versions around the world and therefore low aftermarket performance parts and knowledge. Basic things are fine, but when you start talking gearboxes, rear suspension, engine swaps etc it gets tricky. Most boras are fwd and rarely seriously modified.

    The passat 4mo was released around the world, however the v6s are really strung out so any performance work is induction and associated engine rebuild. Haven't seen much engine swaps apart from dropping upgraded 1.8t engines from the golf.

    Might not be what you want to hear but an actual r32 would be a better canvas to use.

    I love my bora but I bought it with little plans to seriously modify it because the cost would be too high as it'd be completely experimental.
    Last edited by RubAVeeDubDub; 24-01-2014 at 08:30 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MightyCarMods
    I'd rather lose by a mile because I built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me. Your car is your story, so don't let someone else write the book.

    -| "Laura" - 2001 Bora 4-motion (now sold) |-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Safety Beach
    My 2 cents.
    You can get a car that is close to an r32 for a fraction of the price. In fact I paid the same as a base model golf for mine$5400.
    if you want to buy and bora and make it like an r32, you would probably end up spending the same as an r32 costs, and what would be the point. I love my v6 4 motion bora, and for the money I had to spend on a car it is a great car that goes well, considering that it was close to 60k new.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sydney boy

    all the cool guys own Boras!!!!!


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