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Thread: swap 1.8t

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Question swap 1.8t


    so my buddy is going to swap 1.8t engine into 1.6 car/vehicle.
    1.8t AUM is from mk4 golf gti(2002 year model), the other car is a3 8l 1.6 AVU(facelift-2000 model), I belive its the same as mk4 AKL.
    (engine, gearbox with mount, turbo, downpipe, exhaust, pipes/tubes, ic, starter, alternator, a/c kompressor, looming, ecu, brakes, hubs)

    Are driveshafts the same?
    The biggest problems will be with wiring, right?

    I don't know if is needed to change the wiring inside(interior).
    There is the cluster problem, possible to fit mk4 cluster to a3(it has 2-3 connectors?), the shape are a bit different? We have keys.
    What about fuel pump/fuel system, does it have same amount of pipes/size in/out/return?
    Both car are DBW, need to change something here?
    Did I miss/forgot something big that will cause a lot of pain/time?!

    Thanks for any kind of help, really appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Melb Westsideeeee
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    I'm no expert, but I think you can use the 1.8t driveshafts and they should work fine, as the length of both cars' driveshafts are equal. The only way to get the rev to work is to use the original cluster from the 1.8t, so yes you will HAVE to use it into the a3. The cluster and ecu talk to eachother as part of the can bus system, so have to have them matching.

    Gavin from this forum can disable the immobiliser (forgot his user name), and yes it has to be disabled as far as I know.
    Fuel system should be fine as it is.

    You might get away with using the dump pipe if it can fit, however the rest of the exhaust will from the mk4 might not fit the a3. That's as much as I know really haha ... hoping someone can chime in
    - Orange Golf mk1 LS, 1.8 5speed, 32/36 - sold
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    In all seriousness, sell the lot and buy a GTi

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Thread Starter
    I can understand that is a massive work, but we will do it anyway (where is the fun). We have a donor car(2-3days, than it will be smashed), but I dont know what exactly we need, want to be 100% sure to not be missing a important piece and than stuck for days/weeks.
    And about the price I can have all item, I doubt can buy a car with that money
    I will be very happy if someone can answer my question above, thanks in advance.

    you can only earn form that kind of work/project, everybody can buy another car.
    "what come easy wont last, what last wont come easy"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Peregian Beach
    Search the conversions forum for Stan's epic build. He did a 1.8t conversion into a 1.6 SE Golf. It should help you to some degree. It might also alert you to some of the possible pitfalls.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I,m pretty sure the MK4 only had the AGU IN Australia
    MK4 GTI Revo Stage 1 / BFI Dogbone Mounts / 710N DV

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullsta View Post
    I,m pretty sure the MK4 only had the AGU IN Australia
    This guy is in Europe somewhere I think

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
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    alright here we go. i've done the swap personally, and a ME7 conversion.

    if your car is ME7 already good, if not ill tell you what you'll also need.

    driveshafts are different, buy the hubs and swap the 288mm brakes and everything over. much easier.
    you're going to either need the ecu/keys/cluster. or get the immo defeated on the ecu and you're good to go.
    if you need detailed info dont be afraid to inbox me. It's a weekend job once you've got the parts!
    01 MKIV GTI ME7 converted hybrid k04
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    I have serious VAG issues.

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