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Thread: sudden loss of boost?

  1. #21
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    Well, I used a bit more epoxy and managed to get it to 8psi bit it drops within a second. How long did yours hold pressure for?

    Although the pressure drops pretty much instantly. I did a timed run 0-100 and it was 8.2 which is a smidge under factory I think

    Now I'm not sure if I even have a issue!

  2. #22
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    Where are you blocking off the pipework to pressurise it? Anything going to the throttle body will go into the manifold and out the exhaust as there is always a few valves open. Have a think about where the air could be going before you make any conclusions.


  3. #23
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    So if I cap off the throttle body hose before the inlet manifold I can build pressure back to the tip

    I will go through the manual again and have a play

    I think its best if I end testing at the inlet manifold as at least if that doesn't leak I can isolate the area a bit more and its more likely in the pcv area

    Or not haha....

  4. #24
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    Yeah, definitely split the possibilities in half. If you pressurise the tb onwards, try blocking the exhaust or at least reduce the flow out of it. Gavin

  5. #25
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    Well my engine must have been I the perfect spot haha, I left the pipe connected to the intake when I did mine and I pressurised up to 15 psi (could go more but thought I would stop to be safe) and would hold at that pressure and very very slowly would drop. BTW i used my boost gauge to read the pressure not the actual compressor attachment. So yeah back to my question, is about 7.6 volts with the engine running correct from the n75?

    EDIT: Im also getting approx 32ohms resistance from the n75 unit.
    Last edited by Anth1223331; 02-06-2015 at 05:17 PM.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anth1223331 View Post
    Well my engine must have been I the perfect spot haha, I left the pipe connected to the intake when I did mine and I pressurised up to 15 psi (could go more but thought I would stop to be safe) and would hold at that pressure and very very slowly would drop. BTW i used my boost gauge to read the pressure not the actual compressor attachment. So yeah back to my question, is about 7.6 volts with the engine running correct from the n75?

    EDIT: Im also getting approx 32ohms resistance from the n75 unit.
    Sorry I have never measured the voltage in there is it higher with the engine off and ignition on.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by h100vw View Post
    Sorry I have never measured the voltage in there is it higher with the engine off and ignition on.

    Oh okay, yeah with the engine off and ignition on its giving 5.2 volts across the plug, whereas engine on 7.6 volts.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anth1223331 View Post
    Oh okay, yeah with the engine off and ignition on its giving 5.2 volts across the plug, whereas engine on 7.6 volts.
    Another consideration is the ECU switches the N75 on and off rapidly so really you need to look at it with a scope. If I get a minute tomorrow, I'll check what my Polo or S3 does.


  9. #29
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    Thought you 2 might want a laugh

    I tested today to the TB and all held up well. Untill the tub of oregano went shooting up hit the bonnet and went everywhere

    Probably would of helped if I put it other way around haha, lack of attention for you

    Hooked up the TB hose, blocked off the puck to the inlet, retested and all held up well, the only thing I could hear was a really quiet hiss and the odd drip inside the engine. 5 minutes later I unblocked the puck and there was still good pressure there

    So all in all I reckon I'm leak free. I think a small hiss is to be expected?

    I'm putting this down to underestimating the importance of making everything as airtight as possible

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by elcono View Post
    Thought you 2 might want a laugh

    I tested today to the TB and all held up well. Untill the tub of oregano went shooting up hit the bonnet and went everywhere

    Probably would of helped if I put it other way around haha, lack of attention for you

    Hooked up the TB hose, blocked off the puck to the inlet, retested and all held up well, the only thing I could hear was a really quiet hiss and the odd drip inside the engine. 5 minutes later I unblocked the puck and there was still good pressure there

    So all in all I reckon I'm leak free. I think a small hiss is to be expected?

    I'm putting this down to underestimating the importance of making everything as airtight as possible
    Hahahah A+ for effort X'D yeah I hear a bubbling noise too but I read somewhere that it's normal so yeah should be k haha. 0_0 and yeah thanks for that Gavin, would you recommend buying a vagcom cable and query the ecu for any faults/errors? And if so are the eBay ones for like $20 any good? Thanks
    Last edited by Anth1223331; 02-06-2015 at 08:26 PM.

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