Can you record the noise on your phone and post it to youtube or something? It will make it easier for everyone to understand what you're on about.
Hi all,
My vr6 bora has started making a strange clicking noise whenever I maintain speed or accelerate, as soon as i take the load off the engine (clutch in or power off) it stops instantly. also I've had it up on stands today and with the engine running and in second, it makes the noise but when I pushed the exhaust up, it stopped again.
There is a small ring on the tailshaft where it goes over the chassis where it looks like it has been rubbing. Am I right in thinking this sounds like an engine mount? If so, which one is the likely culprit? I'd like to minimise time spent fighting with that engine bay if I can so any help will be much appreciated
Can you record the noise on your phone and post it to youtube or something? It will make it easier for everyone to understand what you're on about.
If there's sign of the tail shaft rubbing id be removing each mount separately and inspecting for cracks also check the both ends of the drive shaft I've seen the rubber disc also deteriorate use a good torch or a good light.
Cheers guys, threw a new dogbone mount on it last night and fixed the issueThanks for the pointers though.