I managed to snag this one off a fellow forum member but they're easily available off eBay and ECS tuning - shipping is just the major cost dude.
Can I ask where you got your Cupra lip from? I've had no luck trying to get hold of one myself.
Using Tapatalk
I managed to snag this one off a fellow forum member but they're easily available off eBay and ECS tuning - shipping is just the major cost dude.
So I took the Wookie out for what may be the last drive it'll get in a long time, yesterday. The gearbox is getting worse and worse every time I hop in and theres little things here and there that need attending badly. Roof lining needs doing, need to replace the headlights (drivers internals are rooted, lens cracked on pass side), interior trim pieces are on their way out, need a new center console and the list sadly goes on. Here's a few rollers of what could potentially be its final drive for the year.
So after much debating and my personal situation at home, I decided the Wookie is staying in my possession, I mean, how could I possible get rid of such a beauty of a car? Plus, I've since sold my S3 and need this running again asap lol.
A couple of weeks ago I got stuck into the R32, took the seats out, gave the interior a good clean and removed all the soft touch rubber stuff which was peeling.
Dirty af interior - was a mission to clean but I havent taken after shots just yet
The cat came and helped too
During a hail storm late last year the rain tray developed a hole in it so out with the old
and in with the new
At the moment things are going quite slowly but I'll soon reinstall the rest of the interior, then its time to order some goodies from the US and get this machine re-rego'd and back on the road again!
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooo ooooooooo baby!
how did you goo with removing the soft touch ? did you paint it afterwards ?
I used a green scourer (green side of a dish sponge) and some rubbing alcohol to remove all the soft touch. Left it as is because the plastic underneath is smooth
So a couple of weeks back I was scrolling through Facebook and came across a post about the "02m shim fix" which basically stated my gearbox problem and a permanent fix for it for only $20 from the dealership. So I did some more research and ordered the parts. Got the parts last week and over the weekend I decided I'd give it a crack, along with some other bits and pieces.
Reinstalled the front seats but now have an airbag fault and I broke my new centre console lol, so need another one of those again.
Got under the car, took off the black inspection cap on my gearbox only to be blessed with this...
So my input shaft bearing is in fact cactus, which means its time for a rebuild and to finally get this thing on the road.
Car goes to the mechanic on Tuesday for a gearbox rebuild, new wheel bearings, rotors and a long overdue service (because I'm a lazy **** lol)
Anyway, heres some porn before she goes away for a little bit