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Thread: A source for the dreaded door microswitch

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Brisbane Qld

    A source for the dreaded door microswitch

    Here is an ebay source for the prone to fail door microswitch. e=ADME:B:FSELE:1123

    Ebay user: carlicious-parts

    I'm sure Jaycar or someone would have something similar here.

    At least this is what it looks like so someone might be able to match up a local equivalent and post the details.

    Much cheaper than a new door lock!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
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    Would this be to help the annoying problem where it keeps popping up when locked?
    2000 Mk IV GTI

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Moonee Ponds
    Thx Graeme, I need to do mine and have a spare so will save me searching !!!
    Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
    Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
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    --VW Bora V6 4mo '01 Gone

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by graeme86

    Much cheaper than a new door lock!
    Yeah, tell me about it. Drivers side failed just out of warranty, but VW picked up the tab (cheers!), but it died about 14 months later. I put up with it for a few weeks, but kept leaving my headlights on. Finally, I paid over $500 to get it replaced - I get the car back from the dealers and the passenger door stops working that night.

    Considering I work with electonics, I should have just fixed it myself. Finding time to remove the mechanism is the hardest part!
    79 MK1 GLD
    03 MK4 GTI
    94 993 Carrera

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I have a problem where occasionally one of the rear doors needs a second 'blip' to unlock it. Is it this that's causing the problem?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    failed door lock fix ?

    I've been told its 3-4 hundred buck job to get the rear door lock sorted, is this a fix for that??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Moonee Ponds
    Mate, it depends on teh problem. There is a fantastic guide on vwvortex if you dont get any further love here.


    this topic has been added to mkiv 4 faq.

    Quote Originally Posted by Golf4 View Post
    I've been told its 3-4 hundred buck job to get the rear door lock sorted, is this a fix for that??
    Audi B4 80 Q V6 '94 Race Car !! KEGGED
    Audi B4 80 V6 Avant '94 Only one in the country that I know of !!! KEGGED
    Subaru Forester XT '06 Genome Exhaust/Car-PC/Boost Gauge/Oettingers !
    --VW Bora V6 4mo '01 Gone

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    cheers, I will look into VW Vortex as well. Anything I can do to save paying VW Village any more of my hard earned coin.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Post Alternate mircoswitch

    I just replaced the microswitch on my 2003 Mk4 drivers door using the VWVortex DIY guide and a Bentleys manual. I sourced a completely different microswitch through RS components, same manufacturer (SIAI-Burgess) but different design. In my case the mounting lugs for the microswitch had deformed and prevented the locking cam from actuating the switch. I ordered a switch with mounting holes similar to those in the locking mechanism but I still had to file one hole and redrill the other to acheive the correct location of the switch.

    I used a SIAI-Burgess XCF3-Z1, RS components stock number 4728162. Wired it up as normally open. One tip if you are using the VWVortex guide, be really careful removing and installing the inner door panel/window carrier, I scratched the tint on my drivers window a bit during the job.


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