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Thread: Rods for AGU engine - is it an 058 or 06A block?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Users Country Flag

    Question Rods for AGU engine - is it an 058 or 06A block?

    Hey Guys!
    Im enjoying just shy of 220hp with my 2003 golf, and I'm keen to shoot for 300 with a hybrid turbo from Beach Buggy Turbos.
    I will be upgrading the rods as standard however Ive come into a problem. Ive bought a set of rods based on what i thought where the correct dimensions, and am starting to have doubts, as my engine code is AGU which I thought was a pre 2001 engine, but the car is from 2003.

    • Most 06A 1.8T engines employ a 19mm wrist pin (225 horsepower models use 20mm).

    • 058 1.8T engines typically use a 20mm wrist pin

    Is the AGU an 058 or 06A block?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Users Country Flag

    Its an 06a block (internal waterpump) but it has 20mm wrist pins

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