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Thread: Replacement key and fob for 2000 mk4

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Penrith, NSW

    Replacement key and fob for 2000 mk4

    Hi all, as much as I have searched high and low.... I have lost a set of key and fob for my 2000 mk4.

    Currently I am using my second set (which the grey plastic button material has broken away and exposed the actual metal button) but as Murphy's Laws seems to follow me in everything that I do, I need to get another set.

    I have contacted VW (Nepean) for a replacement price...OMG....$259 for remote, $144 for the key and $60 to program totalling $463.00 and I forgot to ask if that included GST!

    Before I pay that, does anyone know of a cheaper alternative if any?

    PS...the house is getting RIPPED apart tonight!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ggsngolf View Post
    Hi all, as much as I have searched high and low.... I have lost a set of key and fob for my 2000 mk4.

    Currently I am using my second set (which the grey plastic button material has broken away and exposed the actual metal button) but as Murphy's Laws seems to follow me in everything that I do, I need to get another set.

    I have contacted VW (Nepean) for a replacement price...OMG....$259 for remote, $144 for the key and $60 to program totalling $463.00 and I forgot to ask if that included GST!

    Before I pay that, does anyone know of a cheaper alternative if any?

    PS...the house is getting RIPPED apart tonight!
    I only got one set of keys with my new beetle and i got quoted $650 for a new key..I panic everytime I can't find my keys. I don't think you have many other choices


  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Auckland NZ
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    if you know the 9 digit code of your key, you can sometime find the key's on Ebay US and the likes, the key would be uncut and you can program yourself if you have the SKC of the car and the Vag-com.

    But from memory you guys also only got the AGU mk4 so the chances are great that you may not be able to find a key but you never know unless you try.

    Otherwise what had been proposed is pretty much standard practise.
    Audi S4 (2001) - Imola Yellow
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    I have a blank key and transponder from when I thought I lost the last replacement key I bought at $400 or something

    The part number is HLO 1J0 959 753 CT

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Sydney, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by ggsngolf View Post
    Before I pay that, does anyone know of a cheaper alternative if any?
    Nothing to see here...


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