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Thread: Removed fuse - more boost?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Users Country Flag

    Removed fuse - more boost?

    Hi folks,
    I borrowed a fuse from my Mk4 Golf for a tool and then went for a drive and forgot to put it back in.

    I immediately noticed about 5+ psi extra boost on the gauge and a noticeable power increase.

    I believe it was the ECU fuse.

    I only drove it a short while once i realised, but what on earth is happening that I am getting more power when removing this fuse?

    edit - i just checked, it was fuse 29 which says engine timing or engine control. How was it running better, let alone at all?
    Last edited by fishburgr; 02-06-2019 at 06:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Are there no replies because this is a stupid question and it should be obvious? Or is it a bit of a conundrum?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I don't think anyone has any idea.

    I actually read your post and googled your phenomenon, but yeh I don't think it should run at all with that fuse removed?

    Apparently fuse 29 is for wiring from the ecu for coil packs, o2 sensor, injectors and fuel pump... And on the other thread the guy had a short and the car would blow that fuse and die.

    As with most threads, there was no definitive last part saying the side fixed his problem.

    What have you found out?
    Last edited by Sirocco20348; 09-06-2019 at 09:12 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
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    Maybe the fuse was mistake for a different one, like AC ? and not having the compressor running makes the car go faster ??
    MK4 GTI - Sold
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Yeh are you sure your correct on which one you removed? The chart is confusing

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sirocco20348 View Post
    Yeh are you sure your correct on which one you removed? The chart is confusing
    I couldn't be 100% sure but I also would be kind of surprised if turning off AC would give this much power increase.

    The car has a stage 1 tune from Gav and to give you an idea of the performance increase I normally get about 14psi at full throttle and I was getting 19psi and the power increase was so much that it caused the clutch to start slipping really badly whereas before I'd never had a problem with the clutch.

    I actually ended up having to get the clutch replaced.

    If I wasn't scared of doing more damage Id just pop the fuse out again to confirm Im not going crazy.

    edit - I'll pop the AC compressor fuse out and see if it has any effect and let you guys know.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    yeah, test again and see if you can reproduce the results, maybe hook up VCDS if you've got it.
    2002 Golf GTI - K03S | 3" Downpipe | 312mm DBA T3 Slotted with Forza Pads | | Forge 008 | Forge Hoses | ECS Performance Mounts | R32 and Urethane Bushings | Pipercross Filter | Sachs VR6 Clutch with 14lb Balanced Flywheel

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