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Thread: A reciept for $9500

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Wheelers Hill

    A reciept for $9500

    Check out the golf gti

    i would have just bought another one for $9500

    volkswagon golf gti TURBO VIC P PLATE LEGAL | eBay
    Audi A3 1.8 T
    aiming for 200kw atw

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Users Country Flag
    Spend that kinda coin then turn around and state "great reliable car".
    I wonder what happened to require all that work in one go ?
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustCruisn View Post
    ...I wonder what happened to require all that work in one go ?
    The phrase "P Plate Legal" might have something to do with a destroyed engine, turbo and clutch

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    O'Connor, ACT / Balmain, NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by seller
    willing to $w@p for something of interest so let me know what youve got
    hahaha... why would u swap it unless its fcuked
    '01 Saab 9-3 S
    past rides: '01 Bora 4motion, '03 Golf Sport 2slow, '92 Ford Laser GL wagon (caught on fire)

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by djorkboy View Post
    The phrase "P Plate Legal" might have something to do with a destroyed engine, turbo and clutch
    i a p plater driving a turbo a3 and mine is in perfect condition, service every 10,000k's and with 185,000 on the clock its running better than when i bought it
    Audi A3 1.8 T
    aiming for 200kw atw

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    new p platers cant drive turbos though can they? thought id was only the older ones as long as we stuck to the 175kw per tonne thing.
    anyone check the rego etc?
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    new p platers cant drive turbos though can they? thought id was only the older ones as long as we stuck to the 175kw per tonne thing.
    anyone check the rego etc?
    yeah im not allowed to, i've had it for 3 years now and been pulled of (breath testing etc.) and never had any issues with police even thought my car is pretty loud, 19" wheels and lowered
    Audi A3 1.8 T
    aiming for 200kw atw

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njay View Post
    i a p plater driving a turbo a3 and mine is in perfect condition, service every 10,000k's and with 185,000 on the clock its running better than when i bought it
    You are definitely the exception to the rule. I think the fact that you hang around a forum like this demonstrates that you care a lot more about your car than the average 17 year old.

    Most P platers think maintenance means washing the car and a service is when you check the oil and pump up the tyres.

    I have known so many P platers who killed their cars because something minor went wrong and they didn't understand the gravity of the situation and just kept driving the car until the domino effect took out the entire engine or drivetrain.

    I would have no problem buying a car that has been driven by a P plater but I would be very very wary of a car that had been owned by a P plater.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by djorkboy View Post
    Most P platers think maintenance means washing the car and a service is when you check the oil and pump up the tyres.
    That's defiantly true. I'm a P plater and I can tell you that most P platers don't look after their cars with the level of care that it deserves.

    But from what I've seen, P platers that drive, imports, whether it be, Euro or Japanese, look after their cars a lot more than people who drive Holdens or Fords. It has to do with the level of interest the person holds, usually if the person buys that car they have always wanted, will keep it running 24/7.

    I know that's the case with me, one of my closest mates is my mechanic and I'm always annoying the crap out of him when it comes to keeping the 4motion in perfect condition
    I mean, no squeaks, no clunks, no sequels, everything perfect all the time
    For me, that's what I love about VW, it requires love xD

    On that note, Haldex service soon!


    2003 Vw Bora.
    V6 4-Motion.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Warnervale, NSW

    Im a green p plater in NSW. I can legally drive my 01 GTI. It falls udner the category moderate performance, so I got an exemption 5 days after buying it. I just have to leave it in my glovebox if I getpulled over. Never been pulled over tho lol.
    2001 MkIV GTI
    Revo Stg 1 - K&N Intake - Forge DV

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