Have you checked you coolant level? I had a similar problem and it turned out to be a cracked thermostat housing causing coolant to leak slowly. See http://www.vwwatercooled.org.au/f15/...tml#post498163
Is it normal for your the radiator fan to run for 10 min after you turn your engine off even when it's still cold?
2009 Tiguan TDI and 2007 Passat TDI
Have you checked you coolant level? I had a similar problem and it turned out to be a cracked thermostat housing causing coolant to leak slowly. See http://www.vwwatercooled.org.au/f15/...tml#post498163
Had you just been flogging the car before you turned it off?
I check the coolant and it's ok, No i haven't been flogging the car I love the car to much. But what i did is i try to replace the climate control and for some reason one of the fuse blow up, I replace the blown fuse buth the fan still keep on running for 10min. I dont know if there is another fuse i need to replace or some other parts.
2009 Tiguan TDI and 2007 Passat TDI
I had a similar problem with my previous car, a 2001 polo. My fan wouldn't come on and it would heat up if stationary. The only way to switch the radiator fan on was to turn the air conditioning on and the fan would come on. But when I switched my car off, the fan would still run for about 10 mins. When I had it diagnosed, the thermostat wasnt working (along with a whole lot of other faults, o2 sensor not working, etc, etc, etc). So maybe the termostat is stuck and still thinks that the car is hot. Hope this helps.
I think it's best to get it scan so i can tell the fault. thanks mate
2009 Tiguan TDI and 2007 Passat TDI
Its normal for the fain to run for a 30 sec +, but 10 min does not sound right. Good luck.
now can any one tell me where is the outside temp sensor for v6 bora? I think this can fix my problem.
2009 Tiguan TDI and 2007 Passat TDI