I've been pretty set on smoothing out the handling on the R32 first, before looking at power mods, so far i've done;
KW V1 coilovers. Going to upgrade to H&Rs soon though, want adjustability.
H&R 21mm adjustable rear sway bar.
Kumho KU36 tyres.
Just with those, the understeer has been reduced to barely anything, and i'm going to put the blue haldex in soon, too.
Also, re: rear seats, taking them out makes a noticeable difference! But it's probably not recommended if you don't have a brace of some sorts. I sometimes take all the seats out as well as tools, that combined with the Milltek catback saves a significant amount of weight! If you put on some nice light wheels on top of that, you'd get some very noticeable gains.
Last edited by drewr; 06-03-2011 at 11:25 PM.
2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.