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Thread: R32 Rotor life

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Melbourne, Victoria

    R32 Rotor life

    Hi guys, can anyone tell me how many KMs your rotors lasted on your R32 before they needed to be changed? Mine have done around 60k and I've been told all four need replacement.

    VW .:R32 MKIV DBP 132/200 | VW MFD Ver G, DieselGeek SS Sigma, .:R Center Caps, ECS XAS CAI

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
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    Not sure exactly how long they last, however my car has done 62,000km and they are just about ready.

    I bought in a set of 4 from ECS from the US. Currently they have free shipping to Australia. Its a great deal see:

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, Southside...
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    Mine lasted until around 90k and that was only the fronts. That said I think the car had it pretty easy before me as it mainly did highway kms and not that much spirited driving.
    My rears haven't been done yet.
    Edit: Make sure you buy the rotors from GAP or ECS in the states. The VWA prices are criminal (read more than double what you'll pay from the states including shipping)!
    Last edited by Treza360; 28-09-2009 at 10:34 AM.

    2010 Renault Clio RenaultSPORT 200 Cup 20th Anniversary Edition - #19 of 30 - The French Connection...
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Victoria
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    Quote Originally Posted by pauld View Post
    Not sure exactly how long they last, however my car has done 62,000km and they are just about ready.

    I bought in a set of 4 from ECS from the US. Currently they have free shipping to Australia. Its a great deal see:
    Already purchased a set of all four, they are in the mail. Should be here tomorrow if the tracking is anything to go by, they are already in Oz. Not bad considering I ordered them Thursday of last week..
    VW .:R32 MKIV DBP 132/200 | VW MFD Ver G, DieselGeek SS Sigma, .:R Center Caps, ECS XAS CAI

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by gambl0r View Post
    Already purchased a set of all four, they are in the mail. Should be here tomorrow if the tracking is anything to go by, they are already in Oz. Not bad considering I ordered them Thursday of last week..
    I ordered Tuesday, should receive them today. Apparently the bit that takes the longest is the local delivery...
    Nothing to see here...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    mine lasted about 75,000, but choose to replace all 4 whilst I was there
    .:MKIV R32:.
    .:Reflex Silver:.
    .:80th of 200:.

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