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Thread: .:R32 -- 2000 to 3500 rpm stutter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Question .:R32 -- 2000 to 3500 rpm 'stutter'

    My first post...

    I've recently purchased one of the 'Edition 200' R32s...

    A problem has just begun to surface...

    When the motor is warm, and only in the band of 2000 to 3500 rpm, the motor can be felt to ‘stutter’ as it is accelerated through, or, starting from within this range, under partial or full throttle.

    The power delivery can only be described as flat.

    This is most noticeable when in 3rd gear around the city (lower speeds), and 4th and 5th out on the freeways (higher speeds).

    How many of the other 199 R32 owners are on this forum?

    Any had similar problems?
    Last edited by VW R32; 18-10-2007 at 05:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi mate, good to see another R32 owner joining. Welcome!!

    I never had that problem with mine. Are there any mods done to it? Try disconnecting the battery, give it a few minutes and reconnect. This will reset your ECU and give it a go. If it's still there, get someone with VAG-COM software to scan it and see what kind of codes it comes up with.

    Almost forgot, you have to post pics of your car on this forum!
    1991 BMW 318is RED E30

  3. #3
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    The flat spot is a known issue with stock ECU R32's, all cars have it, do a search on VWVortex for R32 flat spot or read this thread

    The only way to get rid of it is to get an ECU upgrade from APR, GIAC or the like. I have the APR upgrade and have had it since I got the car and am very happy with it.

    Cheers Al
    Last edited by quozl; 18-10-2007 at 06:55 PM.
    My Garage

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  4. #4
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    mine runs fine, and im pretty sure it has a stock ECU. Never hesitates, shutters, nothing.
    1991 BMW 318is RED E30

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by balkanac View Post
    mine runs fine, and im pretty sure it has a stock ECU. Never hesitates, shutters, nothing.
    If you bought your car second hand you may find that it already had the 6463 ECU software update from VW at a previous service which was also released to fix this problem. It could be something else he is experiencing but the way he describes it and the RPM it is happening at for him sounds exactly like the ECU issue. There are around 22 different threads in the R32 archive on Vortex about this issue so it is a known problem and was acknowledged to be an issue by VW. The easy way to see if it is the ECU is for him is to go and get the free 6 hour trail from APR if it fixes it he knows it's the ECU code and he can deal with it either by taking the car to VW for the 6463 update or getting APR or GIAC code.

    Cheers Al
    Last edited by quozl; 19-10-2007 at 10:38 AM.
    My Garage

    People are mushy - Paul Hawkins on the merits of where to crash on the Targa Florio

  6. #6
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    Quozl, you are probably right about my car, it might have had the update done. I have the service records for it and they say that the previous owner kept buying wheel centre caps (at least one per service ) but nothing about an ECU update. Anyway, it runs fine and im happy.
    VW R32, it might be a good idea to have this checked out
    1991 BMW 318is RED E30

  7. #7
    Will VAGCOM tell you the software version? I've only seen it very briefly...
    Quote Originally Posted by Whubbsie View Post
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99gti View Post
    Will VAGCOM tell you the software version? I've only seen it very briefly...
    Yes it tells you what version it is.

  9. #9
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    HI VW_Tech, welcome to the forum. Where do you live? I could come and see you if you are in WA....?
    1991 BMW 318is RED E30

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by quozl View Post
    If you bought your car second hand you may find that it already had the 6463 ECU software update from VW at a previous service which was also released to fix this problem. ... The easy way to see if it is the ECU is for him is to go and get the free 6 hour trail from APR if it fixes it he knows it's the ECU code and he can deal with it either by taking the car to VW for the 6463 update or getting APR ...
    Thanks Al.

    I've been in touch numerous times with both VW Australia and the VW dealer - they deny that any factory ECU updates were issued within Australia for the Mk4 R32.

    My guess is the #6463 update was for the UK. They had many more cars delivered than Australia and perhaps as a result, many more people noticing the problem.

    As a result of many more customers asking questions, perhaps VW felt obliged to fix their problem in that market.

    I'm giving the APR trial a go this week - could be a solution (even if $1499!)
    Last edited by VW R32; 24-10-2007 at 11:28 AM.

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