My name is Gary, and I work for ECS Tuning. I wanted to take a moment and address your concerns about the tensioner you recently received from us. The OEM symbols have been ground off by the manufacturer due to the fact that they weren't being sold directly to VW/Audi. Rather than create another cast, they are simply machined down. Buying directly from VW's suppliers allows us to purchase at a lower price than buying directly through VW/Audi, which in turn allows us to offer our customers a lower price. I can assure you that these are not Chinese copies. Euro Automotive in Girraween has been purchasing our timing belt kits for many years and has yet to have an issue with these parts failing.
I will also be happy to clear up the issue of how the parts are advertised on our site. OEM, OES, and OE are interchangeable acronyms for a manufacturer or supplier that provides VW/Audi with parts. The parts in our Mk4 1.8T Timing Belt Kits are listed as OEM or OE, and if you look at the bottom of the page, you can see specifically which manufacturer they are coming from. Please use the following link for reference:
We also sell Genuine VW/Audi Timing Belt Kits, which as you will see are significantly more than the OE kits, but contain parts that will all come packaged just as they would directly from a dealership. Please use the following link for reference:
In regards to the pictures, those have been on the site for a number of years. At the time these tensioners were added to the website, we were purchasing the parts from VW/Audi. I thank you for bringing this to our attention, the pictures have been removed, and will be retaken with the current item to avoid confusion.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us by email at
sales@ecstuning.com, and feel free to post this message for your fellow forum members to read.
Best Regards,