stick with the two man, looks better than quads IMO.
Hey all,
More of a 'during-work thought' more than anything, but has anyone heard of quad tips being done on a mk4-5 R32? Would there be any reason not too? I mean, even if it was smaller tips, say, 3" tips?
Surely there wouldn't be much loss with back pressure being so far down the exhaust?
Do you think it would alter the note dramatically? For better or worse?
Just wondering becuase i've seen the GTi with quad tips, and I realise that higher flow with turbo is more desirable, but if you just narrowed each tips exit diameter surely it wouldn't dramatically affect it?
/more so a topic of discussion really.
2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.
stick with the two man, looks better than quads IMO.
84 MK1 GTI
01 DC2R
Sorry mate, as I stated in the first post, it really is just for conversation sake at this stage. Your opinion is valid and i'm not going to alter it, but I love the look of the quads on say a GTi, and i'd love to hear what others think it would do in terms of perfomance and sound etc.
Some people spend a fair bit to shave front numberplate holders, stretch tyres with crazy sizes etc etc; to some people doing stuff like this seems crazy and doesn't suit their taste, but I haven't seen this on an .:R to date, and wondering if there's a valid reason why?
2011 TDI Caddy- AirRex x AccuAir setup.
Would probably also require a rear valence modification to fit the quad tips.
well performance wise/noise wise, it would depend on the backbox/muffler. if all your changing is the tips, or adding an additional y-pipe to fit 2 tips each side, then it wont change anything.
but the R32 rears (mk4 and mk5) are unique to the cars and come with the twin tips. I can see why the quads are put on the the GTIs because everything lower spec all have the same exhausts.
84 MK1 GTI
01 DC2R
wont affect noise or flow if done properly
Current: '04 Astra SRI Turbo - EDS IPF Flash, 3" TBE, Quaife LSD
Previously: Bora 4mo, cams, coilovers, tune, exhaust, brembo's etc
It would look like ass and ruin it more than that canon exhaust setup on that turbo MkIV does. Other than that I can't think why you wouldn't do it but that's more than reason enough. Now moving a MkV exhaust setup out to the sides to make it actually look good like the MkIV does is another thing (I hate the centre exhausts on the MkV and MkVI).
2010 Renault Clio RenaultSPORT 200 Cup 20th Anniversary Edition - #19 of 30 - The French Connection...
2004 Volkswagen Golf R32 MkIV - #044 of 200 - Gone But Not Forgotten...
"Racing is life; Anything that happens before or after is just waiting." - Steve McQueen -=-=- "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum" - Unknown
PM if you are looking for: R32 rear sway bar; R32 suspension springs; Euro Headlight switches