How did you come to the conclusion to use 7 (too cold!) in a stage I car?
I haven't found anyone that does the BKRxE lower than 1.1mm or 0.032
You should always check the gap from factory.
With a mild stage I tune, yoiu could probably get away with 0.030.
In your pics, the 7s don't look like they're gapped to 0.028.
I just re-gapped mine tonight to 0.027, and they're much smaller than your pics indicate.
My take:
I'm guessing you have a ignition controller (as you said you replaced this part) and coils.
A good conversion is to switch to "newer" coils.
You need to be handy with a soldering iron and electrical diagrams.
The advantage? Since these newer 1.8T cars had to comply with more stringent emissions, they also provide a better/higher voltage.
This allows you to get away with more gap and tiny bit more powah on the dyno