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Thread: Problems with Golf C.V Joint!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Sydney, Campbelltown

    Problems with Golf C.V Joint!!!

    Hey there guys,
    I have recently been having bit of trouble with my golf and it ****s me to tears. A few weeks ago the left hand c.v joint simply gave way so i have replaced it. The way this happened was i was jst driving hand on gearstick, when the gearstick started to feel like it was wobbling. I took a left hand turn and after that had nothing but clunking noises.
    After putting the new c.v in the other week, it still felt like as if the gearstick was wobling just a lot less. It was holding up untill today. Just driving along. 1st, 2nd, 3rd clunk clunk clunk. how can this happen after having a new cv put in only weeks before.
    Im not expecting anyone to know the right answer but if someone had ideas id b greatfull to hear them
    Cheers guys n gals

  2. #2
    what is C.V joint? and what is ur model ?

  3. #3
    brackie Guest

    Inner or outer?

    This sounds like an inner CV joint problem. Which did you replace?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    does the vehicle ever jump out of gear bc if so it may be an engine mount

  5. #5
    syncro Guest
    Did you use a German CV?

    I have seen the Brazillian ones go after 10 metres driving!

    Very rare for an inner CV to go.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Users Country Flag
    It could be the engine mount because I had that on my previous golf. Everytime I was driving it would just make this clunk sound.
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Users Country Flag
    Quote Originally Posted by GTIputih
    what is C.V joint? and what is ur model ?
    Constant velocity joint

    I'm yet to see Mk4 Golf CV joint has problem unless you do > 50K a year.

  8. #8
    syncro Guest

    Quote Originally Posted by RedMk2Gti
    Constant velocity joint

    I'm yet to see Mk4 Golf CV joint has problem unless you do > 50K a year.
    Unless the boot was broken.

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