heres a few ideas for you.
Forge Splitter (50 recirc, 50 atmospheric) - wont throw any codes and will give you that desired sound your after if wanting so.
Forge/Bailey/Go Fast Bits Diverter Valve (Plumback 100%) - with a stock airbox very minimal sound, however accompanied by a 'intake' it'll sound as loud as a 'blow valve' almost.
AEM Intake is my pic (as attached with pic below of my engine bay) You can pick these up from Ebay but AEM is VERY expensive as they are a premium brand. (get on ebay, search "aem intake golf")

Alternatively you could buy a Chinese Intake which is a AEM ripoff which i dont see why it wouldn't be any different, however you'd want to get an AEM, Pipercross or any type of DRY Airfilter so you don't ruin your maf.
What’s behind you doesn’t matter..