My car started loosing all of the coolant as it reaches operational temperature. It suddenly just started today. I have located plastic part from where coolant is running down and steam coming out too.
Please help me identify what is this part by pictures.
Thanks in advance.

3.jpg - Google Drive

2.jpg - Google Drive

1.jpg - Google Drive

Vagcom codes are
VAG-COM Version: Release 409.1-S

Chassis Type: 1J - VW G/J/B Mk4

Scan: 01,02,03,08,16,15,17,19,22,35,46,56


Address 01: Engine

Controller: 06A 906 033 AF

Component: SIMOS33 1.6l 2V 00AT4083

Coding: 00033

Shop #: WSC 01271

WVWZZZ1JZ2W481205 VWZ6Z0A3820669

2 Faults Found:

16706 - Engine Speed Sensor (G2: No Signal

P0322 - 35-10 - - - Intermittent

17698 - Coolant Temp Sensor at Radiator Outlet (G83): Signal too Small

P1290 - 35-00 - -

Readiness: 0010 0001


Address 02: Auto Trans

Controller: 01M 927 733 JH

Component: AG4 Getriebe 01M 4830

Coding: 00000

Shop #: WSC 00000

No fault code found.


Address 03: ABS Brakes

Controller: 1C0 907 379 J

Component: ABS FRONT MK60 0103

Coding: 0001025

Shop #: WSC 01271

1 Fault Found:

01314 - Engine Control Module

013 - Check DTC Memory - Intermittent


Skipping Address 15-Airbags


Address 17: Instruments

Controller: 1J0 920 806 C

Component: KOMBI+WEGFAHRS. RB8 V17

Coding: 03722

Shop #: WSC 00000

WVWZZZ1JZ2W481205 VWZ6Z0A3820669

No fault code found.


Address 19: CAN Gateway

Controller: 6N0 909 901

Component: Gateway K<->CAN 0001

Coding: 00006

Shop #: WSC 01271

No fault code found.


Address 46: Central Conv.

Controller: 1C0 959 799

Component: 1Z Komfortgerát HLO 0001

Coding: 00259

Shop #: WSC 01271

1 Fault Found:

00929 - Locking Module for Central Locking: Front Passenger Side (F221)

27-00 - Implausible Signal

End --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------