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Thread: PLEASE HELP. Fuel pump fuse keeps blowing! A3 1.8t 1998/ VAGCOM NEEDED

  1. #1
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    Unhappy PLEASE HELP. Fuel pump fuse keeps blowing! A3 1.8t 1998/ VAGCOM NEEDED

    So basically as I was driving along (approx. 70kph) the car just died. It had had a funny idle all week (would be at rest, then rev up to ~1200rpm then go back down) was awaiting a vag com cable to scan the car but the day before it came the car died. Have not been able to scan the car so no codes, vagcom cable came but is being difficult greatly appreciate anyone around the south-east burbs (brighton) to give me a hand to scan this bad boy and at least clear the codes!

    ive managed to narrow it down to the fuel pump fuse constantly blowing (#2 before that, the car would just crank, and crank, an crank...)
    I am getting a spark, and when a new fuse is put in it starts, idles etc.

    i put in a 20a fuse (meant to be 15a) and it lasted a fair while longer...
    ... But blew.

    Please help! I've ordered a new fuel pump relay and will be picking it up tomorrow, fingers crossed that works. Any other ideas?

  2. #2
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    chances are your fuel pump is stuffed . . .

    Vagcom isnt going to help you if your sure its the fuel pump fuse.

  3. #3
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    EltonKing if the fuse keeps blowing you have clearly got a short, whether it be internally in the pump or wiring from the fuse carrier to the pump etc you've got a short. Fuses are designed to regulate current in a circuit, once that current is exceeded they blow, thus preventing overload of the circuit.

    Buzuki is correct, vagcom wont help and i can assure you neither will the manufacturers equipment as i've had it before. If you have a little know how and a multimeter use voltage drop testing to isolate the fault as far as possible. Check your earth at the fuel pump connector, check your voltage drop from the fuse carrier to the fuel pump connector whilst under load, and from the battery to the fuse carrier again under load, this should rule out wiring from the battery to the fuse carrier and from the fuse carrier to the fuel pump connector.

    If this all seems ok then you need to make a judgement call and be ready to purchase a fuel pump/sender unit.

  4. #4
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    sounds like it could be the fuel pump relay, apparently this is a somewhat common problem with the mk4/a3s. if it is actually your pump then i recommend you set aside at least 3 hours to swap it. i guarantee you'll end up with bloody knuckles and a full swear jar by the end of it, that rubber nut thing is an absolute pita to get off

  5. #5
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    You could always just bridge the relay if that is the case, then you ll know for sure . hahah the sealing ring on the outside of the tank Lito??

  6. #6
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    Yeah I've got a step by step DIY on replacing the fuel pump, so worst comes to worst ill be needing to replace that. Picking up a new relay today so will see how that goes. Managed to get the car home so this weekend will be spent testing everything with a multi meter thanks a lot guys! Will keep you updated as to how everything works out

  7. #7
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    unfortunately the relay didn't help... will be having a crack on sunday to see what i get from running around with a multimeter

  8. #8
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    No harm in having tried it mate, best case scenario it was a fuel pump relay and you would have saved yourself the cost and labour of a fuel pump/sender unit. Keep us updated and ask if you need help,


  9. #9
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    some fault codes if it helps..

    VCDS-Lite Version: Release 1.1
    Friday, 12 October 2012, 16:09:32.

    Chassis Type: 8L - Audi A3/S3
    Scan: 01,02,03,08,15,16,17,22,35,37,45,55,56,57,75,76

    Address 01: Engine Labels: Redir Fail!
    Controller: 06A 906 018 AQ
    Component: 1.8L R4/5VT MOTR HS D03
    Coding: 04000
    Shop #: WSC 06313
    VCID: 719556C728A7
    11 Faults Found:
    00561 - Mixture Adaptation
    14-00 - Adaptation Limit (Add) Exceeded
    16500 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs
    P0116 - 35-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent
    17978 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs
    P1570 - 35-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent
    00543 - Maximum Engine Speed Exceeded -- Engine Warranty VOID!
    35-10 - - - Intermittent
    18259 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs
    P1851 - 35-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent
    16514 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs
    P0130 - 35-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent
    01247 - Activated Charcoal Filter (EVAP) System Solenoid Valve 1 (N80)
    29-10 - Short to Ground - Intermittent
    01249 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs
    29-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent
    01250 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs
    29-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent
    01251 - Fuel Injector for Cylinder 3 (N32)
    29-10 - Short to Ground - Intermittent
    01252 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs
    29-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent
    Readiness: N/A

    Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 1J0-907-37x-ABS.LBL
    Controller: 1J0 907 379 E
    Component: ABS/EDS 20 IE CAN 0001
    Coding: 13504
    Shop #: WSC 06435
    VCID: 33199CCF123B
    2 Faults Found:
    00668 - Supply Voltage Terminal 30
    16-10 - Signal Outside Specifications - Intermittent
    01312 - Shareware Version. To Decode all DTCs
    37-10 - Please Register/Activate - Intermittent

  10. #10
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    The short to ground can't be good.
    I've not seen the shareware stuff before either.

    What happened when you cleared the codes? Did they come back?

    I have had intermittent readings but when I cleared them on my gti, they never came back.
    Mk IV Golf GTI - BMP - GIAC chip, R32 wheels, KW coilovers, rear swaybar.
    Originally Posted by JoeVR
    I've never been a big fan of rotors, or really Japanese cars in general, so my choice would have to be..... an RX-8.

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