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Thread: Operation Bora Body

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Peregian Beach
    Boy you have had some issues. My 2001 Bora is well over 300,000k's and still on the original clutch, chains etc. So it is a bit of a time bomb I know but so far so good. I had to replace the yaw sensor a while back, and the indicator/cruise control stalk. I did the fan resistor modification a couple of years after I bought the car in 2004 and haven't touched them since.

    I really like the Oetinger grill. I think it makes the Bora Sport look so much better than with the standard bar grill. I've always been impressed with the braking too. I believe they are still a good looking car even though mine is now 15 years old.
    2001 Bora 4 Motion Sport now used by number two son
    2011 Skoda Octavia Scout now with Underground Performance tune
    2010 Jetta 125 tdi dsg for the misses - Impressed
    2006 Polo GTI - Enhanced by some of Gav's magic - Absolutely loving it

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Elanora Heights, Sydney
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    Ooooh Bora Sport I'm so happy that you have a 300k+ Bora! It can be done in Australian conditions!

    Really, after this little spat, my car will have had (over the last 30,000ks);

    All new corner ABS sensors
    New front disks and pads
    All new suspension and suspension bushes, suspension mounts etc.
    New lateral ABS sensor
    Temp sensor / thermostat / crack pipe / expansion tank and cap

    In progress (car is on ramps out front);
    New radiator (fitted and running with clean, fresh water - so nice not seeing oil in my coolant)
    New thermo switch
    Fan resistor mod (done and waiting to fit)
    A/C compressor clutch coil (causing havoc with my fans fix)

    To do (all pre-emptive, everythng else is fine);
    Haldex service
    Box oil change
    Small oil leak under engine, need to diagnose.

    So, I'm hoping that within a few months, I'll have a car that feels good and strong and happy to go another 60k's to 300k.

    The issues I've had with the car (imo) come down to 2 things; no fans and broken temp sensor. It got super hot and I had no idea. Just so happy the block feels strong.

    God that list looks small, I'm sure theres more.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria
    I heard someone calling?
    good to see you are still at it!
    What did you use to tighten the top nut down? I'm looking to buy the proper tools shortly as I've had issues from rattle guns being used and I'm never sure if its done up enough with the old spark plug socket and allan key trick.

    mines at ~280k km now, still original clutch, brakes were only changed as the rear caliper wound itself right and and caused excessive pad wear on the rear left (other 3 pads were only half way through there life). other than self inflected issues from being too low, iv had the same coolant leak twice (tiny slow leak), and the good old door sensor module thing failure on every door now its been a dream. loves a good thrashing and cops the 3-5min drive to and from work every day like a charm.
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  4. #4
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    Dylan, yes I am... A sucker for punishment.

    I tightened using the age old spark plug socket + allen key like you said. It never got even close to a torque tightness before it just stopped on the top of the strut. Was very strange. The car feels fine, its still to settle as much as the other side but its definitely not loose or clunking or anything, feels like it should.

    280k's! Yeah baby. We need a 'never-tired Bora' club.
    Your's sounds solid like Bora Sport's. I have bought some new micro switches for the front doors so I can finally get puddle light and interior lights working properly. My drivers door rattles like a ****ty corolla so I'll tighten everything in there while I'm there.

    3-5min? God damn. My girl does 45 - 55min each way in Sydney traffic. But, when running, she does it effortlessly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Just finished reading this entire thread.. Epic journey mate so glad you decided to put her back on the road after the 2015 meltdown.
    The "VeeDub Gods" will be pleased.
    I'm doing an 45-55mins each way in Sydney traffic as well (Penrith - Bankstown) I feel your pain

    Keep on posting, great thread.

  6. #6
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    Thanks beale187! I'm looking forward to having it back on the road and knowing that its solid again, all the bad parts replaced.

    The mechanic I took it to after the meltdown just kept telling me to not waste any money on it and get rid of it. It broke my heart. No way!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    So, after the radiator swap and new thermo switch for the fans, the fans still wouldn't work.

    The amazing JustCruisn helped me diagnose the A/C compressor clutch coil as the failing part.

    So, I am trying a Chinese replacement. Its $28 as opposed to $160ish from the states. I figure even if it lasts 10,000k's that helps me distribute the costs across a few months. The car is kinda starting to rack up the bills.

    If this coil works, it will fix A/C (which I thought was just gas) as well as fans. The car will be summer safe!

    Today I attacked a problem thats been irritating me for years; the drivers door micro switch. I got a Chinese micro switch replacement and put it in. ****ty job but good result.

    Got the module apart.
    Operation Bora Body-20161002_124718-jpg

    New switch in (note crimps) also fixed a snapped piece of plastic. You can see the super glue under the 'R' on the left most part. Not sure what it does but thought it was worth fixing.
    Operation Bora Body-20161002_131331-jpg

    Also, for those who are going to try this, mine was different from all the guides I read/watched. My micro switch had little plastic rivets through the placement holes which made it a little hard to get the switch out. Also, the replacement didn't have these little plastic rivets, it just had little guide things that didn't hold it hard down. This will make sense when you do the job. I just used a small bit of super glue to get the switch to stay in place.

    I also made sure when I put the door back together that everything was clipped in and tight to reduce rattles.

    When I was done I must have opened and closed the door 80 times. It sounded perfect and the lights when on (open) and off (closed) which has *never* worked in my car. So cool.

    Passenger door next week. Or tomorrow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Penrith, NSW
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    Hey Prank, was this micro switch replacement to fix the door puddle light? Or the "door open" light on the dash cluster.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by beale187 View Post
    Hey Prank, was this micro switch replacement to fix the door puddle light? Or the "door open" light on the dash cluster.
    It does everything.
    - Door open light
    - Interior lights on/off with door
    - Puddle light
    - Headlights on warning with door open
    - Keys in ignition warning with door open

    I've even heard it can trigger your fuel pump when the door is opened, in a way to prime the system. Not sure if thats right but my car has in the past had problems starting for no apparent reason, so this may have fixed that too.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I haven't investigated completely yet but my puddle light stopped working and interior motion alarm button stopped working after I d/c the battery when installing my CAI, thought this may have caused. Will have to dig deeper.

    re fuel pump, I believe this is correct. When I open my door I can hear an ever so slight hum which I assume is the pump priming.

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