Originally Posted by
rhyno, I had a similar situation to you when I bought my last car. It had a very dodgy install done by the previous owner and the only way I fixed it was to rip out all the wiring he had done (the old twisted wires and electrical tape trick!!) and replace it with a much better and safer setup.
If I was in your shoes, I would do this:
1) Disconnect your entire stereo and see if oyur wipers and indicators come back. If not, something has probably gone pop and either your relays are fried (rather unlikely) or a fuse has gone (not always visually evident).
2) JB HiFi, Jaycar etc. They sell stereo install kits, buy one of these and start from scratch.
3) You mentioned that you were running an ACC wire to the amps that you spliced into a wire from the fuse box. From the numerous installs i have done, you are meant to run a constant power, either from a "hot" wire or directly from the battery, this coupled with a big in-line fuse. This and your ground wires, especially with multiple amps, should be no smaller than 10mm diameter. The switching for the amps should be provided by your signal or remote wires.
4) If things still aren't working, then there is most likely a fault in the way the head unit was originally installed, not unlikely either, depending on the installer they would have either used a proper ISO plug or just cut and joined wires. Hopefull the first option is what they did!