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Thread: New ride (not for the feint hearted)

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dubster99 View Post
    You can keep cluster if you immo defeat. Best to code them in rather than Immo defeat if you can!
    I started your thread the other night, didn't quite get to the build part yet. What do you mean by code them in vs immo defeat?

    It's got just under 200k on the odo too. So I'm a bit torn between just getting it in there and seeing how it goes, or doing a bit more of a build/rebuild while it's out and letting the project go a bit longer. The engine feels strong as far as I've been able to drive it, but I'm going to see what a compression test tells me when I can borrow a kit.

    Quote Originally Posted by beale187 View Post
    vehicle $150
    Pickles buyer premium + admin fee + blah blah ... $350

    so annoying... But still a good buy Lynch
    I think having the whole thing landed, from pickles, for 500 is alright considering half of that was towing lol. I think nobody wanted to bid on it given they hadn't even tested it with a working battery in there, so the odo was blank. God it was a relief the first time it started.

  2. #12
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    hey Lynchy, how's the build coming along mate?

    C'mon give a brother something to read!
    2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by beale187 View Post
    hey Lynchy, how's the build coming along mate?

    C'mon give a brother something to read!
    Aww. Yikes man.
    So I've got a k04 sitting on my bedroom floor, a stage one immo deleted ecu sitting next to it. The golf is missing all the front shocks hubs and driveshafts....

    Aaaand a month ago some idiot t boned me and his insurance wanted to pay me out rather than repair. I won't use the real figures but as an example; their first offer was $2500 and in response I told them where to shove it. We eventually haggled around to a much nicer $5000 to settle things. (never ever accept the first offer if you're not at fault.)
    So the front suspension was a bit messed up from the crash, but I got her back literally today, with gti brakes and shocks instead of the god awful no name sport shocks that were a couple of years old. It's wonderful having oem quality ride feel again but the gti springs are way too high.
    Unfortunately I'm super struggling to get anything done due to some health issues now. The 1.8t is so so close to being able to be pulled it's not funny. I'll snap some pics for a better update.

    The major problem for the meantime is the gti brake install has given some weird pedal feel issues, no matter how much the system is bled there's now masssssive pedal travel before the brakes grip. I'm thinking it's air in the abs pump maybe? Going to get that bled in the shop this week to see if I can get a chance to actually feel the brake upgrade at last!

    At the moment this has gone from "stuff a 1.8t in over the long weekend because you can" to "let's build a 1.8t to make more power than the r36 because why not". It's a bit bitter-sweet but hopefully it'll work out. Thanks for bump! I'll do hella pictures update soon!

    Is that enough reading yet?

  4. #14
    Join Date
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    Sorry to hear about the accident. Hopefully you are OK?

    Regarding the brakes. If you have some safe space see if you can drive it and trigger the abs by jumping on the brakes. This can force the air out the of the pump and into the lines. Further bleeding can get it out of the lines. Iv had had some luck with this. Other times needs the pump triggered by vagcom etc the normal way. Just an idea if you are stuck
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

  5. #15
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    Sorry to hear about the accident mate, bloody hell another build thread stalled by an accident (mine to)! Least you're still here to write about it hey.

    So what's the plan for 1.8t? K04.. Ecu tune? Or something more extreme?

    Btw, Dylan is bang on. Need to cycle the ABS pump via VCDS or doing as he suggested otherwise the pedal feels a bit spongy.
    2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch

  6. #16
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    You did well to negotiate your claim too, Redbook, CarSales all good places to find comparable sales. Some assessors always come in low, others come in high just so they can close the file and move on.

    Also if your Bora is +15yrs old they cant write it off in the sense that they don't notify RMS/VicRoads... So your free to take the cash and put it back on the road ��
    2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan8 View Post
    Sorry to hear about the accident. Hopefully you are OK?

    Regarding the brakes. If you have some safe space see if you can drive it and trigger the abs by jumping on the brakes. This can force the air out the of the pump and into the lines. Further bleeding can get it out of the lines. Iv had had some luck with this. Other times needs the pump triggered by vagcom etc the normal way. Just an idea if you are stuck
    Accident has left me pretty roughed up, hopefully it clears up soon but we'll see.

    I just ended up handing it to a different mechanic to try the vagcom way, and great success! Now I have proper Gti brake feeling and I am loving it. Thanks for the tip in the right direction. My usual guy was adamant that they clamp the ABS lines and there was 0% chance of air in there...

    Quote Originally Posted by beale187 View Post
    You did well to negotiate your claim too, Redbook, CarSales all good places to find comparable sales. Some assessors always come in low, others come in high just so they can close the file and move on.

    Also if your Bora is +15yrs old they cant write it off in the sense that they don't notify RMS/VicRoads... So your free to take the cash and put it back on the road ��
    Yep, I think I got the highest amount they would give up without a serious fight, which is still not enough in my opinion. Black, manual, boras without serious electrical gremlins are impossibly rare these days.
    That's the exact plan too, got the cash in hand, repairs have been pretty cheap, and she's already back to a driveable state.

    1.8T plans are basically stage 1, maybe 2 ECU, k04 with a bit of exhaust tweaking, usual intake stuff with probably upgraded intercooler. Throw on some R8 coils for stylez on top.
    Then... depending on availability and time, maybe some forged internals and rebuilding before I get it in.
    The ultimate goal being to beat the R36 in output, aaaaand hopefully spending less than it cost too.
    If anyone has a lead for somebody with experience building a 1.8T I would love to hear it, right now I'm pretty sure the only things holding in the car are some fuel lines and the engine mounts.

  8. #18
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    Sounds juicy Lynchy, look forward to following your progress when you're up and about

    Where abouts are you located? Someone will have a suggestion local to you re: building a 1.8T
    2004 VW Bora 4motion | 3.2 Swapped - R32 Trimmings | BBS CH | Forever fixing this bitch

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