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Thread: new bora owner ;-)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Gosford Central Coast NSW

    new bora owner ;-)

    Hello fellow mk4'ers!

    Well after a long time I suppose its about time I owned a mk4.

    Today I picked up a lovely little V5 Bora from Matt at Camden GTI, to tide me over while I rebuild my allroad engine.

    Its a white one, 168kkm on the odo, black leather with all the options.

    I got her home this afternoon after driving all the way back with the windows down to try and rid it of the cigarette smell.

    Then I spend from 3:30 until dark cleaning her and making her a bit more livable, so to speak.
    Lifted the back seats to my delight to find factory isofix - my sons recaro capsule clips right in.

    The V5 is awesome, I am convinced its half a v10, it sounds perfect.

    It needs a re-gas for the climatronic, and some suspension bushings, and a wheel balance (it really needs 17's but I'm not trying to spend $$ on this car), but I'm totally in love with it.

    Its the perfect mix engine/chassis/features for me - its comfy, cruises beautifully, has a fantastic howl and seems to get good economy.

    I'm in love!
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
    '99 A4 Quattro 1.8T

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Users Country Flag
    Nice find.
    Check the ISOfix you'll probably find that recaro seat is not legal in Australia.
    MK4 GTI - Sold
    MK5 Jetta Turbo - Sold
    MK5 Jetta 2.Slow - Until it dies.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Gosford Central Coast NSW
    Thread Starter
    Shhh. It's the best in the world, who cares if its legal

    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
    '07 Touareg V6 TDI with air suspension
    '98 Mk3 Cabriolet 2.0 8V
    '99 A4 Quattro 1.8T

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Bairnsdale & Ferntree Gully, Victoria

    Welcome to the mk4 life.
    Only time will tell if you are a lover or a hater of them
    Bora gone
    Vento VR6
    7P Touareg TDI

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