Hi guys I have this problem and I cant seem to solve it. My car is the V5 03 model and at the moment the engine is erratically vibrating and shaking. I have replaced the coils (all of them) and the spark plugs are quite new.
But what I cant understand is that when ever the ECU is reset the car runs fine again as if nothing has ever happened.
Then about 3 days later the problem comes again and stays there until the ECU is reset again. Now I know the problem
is about to happen because when ever I start the car it cranks and then engine turns over and starts but its very weak, the rev
will go up down up down as if its going to stall and then stations at about 1000rpm. I know if I cant solve this problem, I
may have to go to a VW dealer with no choice. Couple of days ago Ive changed the air filter also but the problem is still a
mystery. Does anyone know what the problem might be? could it be the spark leads? Because the car is erratic at stop
one or two cylinder is definitely miss firing. I want to sell my car ASAP but until I fix it i cant sell.
Anyone with ideas?
